  • 學位論文


A Study on High School Students’ Intention and Behavior of Learning Physical Education

指導教授 : 鄭亦君


在教育單位開始重視學生的健康狀況的同時,學生的運動能力也連帶被重視,因而訂定學生各階段的學習體適能標準,各級學校為使學生喜歡運動,也將體育課程的設計趨於多元化與多樣化,然而,在上述制度的改變下,學生及教育單位對體育課程是否真正重視過?仍是一個很大的問號!作者本身即為高職學校的體育老師,對於制度的改變是否真能帶動學生的運動風潮或習慣,甚感疑問,因而,為瞭解學生對學習體育的態度、學生會受重要他人影響而學習體育、學生透過內外在資源的控制等三個因素,是否會影響其學習體育的行為意圖,並進而影響學習體育之行為與成就表現。因而採用計劃行為理論(Theory of planned behavior,TPB)模型,探討行為態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制、行為意圖與實際行為變數之間的關係。   本研究以問卷方式表現學生的態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制、行為意圖,而以體適能檢測成績作為實際行為的結果。研究發現,學生在體育學習過程中,態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制對學生的行為意圖均未達到顯著的影響,且行為意圖對實際行為也未達顯著影響。探究原因,可能是在台灣的升學主義下,雖然體適能已列為升學條件之一,但因教育部所訂定之基本標準過低,無法真正顯示學生的差異性,因而仍無法讓體適能成績在家長學生心中佔有一席之地。


In educational institutions starting to focus on the health of students, while the students' athletic ability also contributed to being taken seriously, which set learning standards for students of all fitness stages, schools at all levels so that students like sports, but also the sports curriculum design trends to pluralism and diversity, however, change in the above systems, students and educational institutions on the importance of physical education curriculum is really over? It is still a big question mark! Is the author's own vocational school physical education teacher, for changing the system can actually be driven by habit or fashion student movement was very much in doubt, therefore, to understand students' attitudes toward learning sports, students learn by the impact of significant others sports, student Through three factors inside and outside the control of the resources, it will affect the behavior of its intention to study sports, and thus affect the behavior of learning the sport of performance and achievement. Thus the use of theory of planned behavior (Theory of planned behavior, TPB) model to investigate the behavior and attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, behavioral intentions and actual behavior of the relationship between variables. In this study, questionnaire show students' attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, behavioral intentions, and to detect physical fitness ability scores as a result of actual behavior. The study found that students in the learning process of sports, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control of the student's behavioral intentions did not reach significant impact on the actual behavior and behavioral intentions are less than significant impact. Explore the reason may be in a school environment in Taiwan, although fitness condition has been listed as one of their studies, but the basic standards of the Ministry of Education set too low, it cannot really show students the difference, so they are still unable to make physical fitness ability Students can score in place in the hearts of parents.


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