  • 學位論文


A Survey of Sport Nutrition Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors among Senior High School Athletic Students

指導教授 : 許美智


目的:青少年時期是從兒童時期過渡至成人時期的關鍵階段,了解高中職體育班學生對於運動營養知識的認知情況、相關態度與行為,並透過調查運動營養知識來源與需求,提供未來運動營養教育之參考。方法:本研究採便利取樣以高中職體育班學生為對象使用問卷調查法,共蒐集 311 份有效問卷,以統計軟體分析「個人基本資料」、「運動營養相關行為」、「運動營養相關態度」、「運動營養知識」、「運動營養知識相關資訊」資料。結果:運動營養知識平均總得分為 55.5%,女性整體得分較佳,蛋白質構面相關題目性別上則無顯著差異。學校住宿者運動營養態度得分顯著比居住自己家中者正向;自行找過與運動相關飲食建議者在運動營養知識及態度都顯著較好。青少年選手較沒有省略吃早餐的情形,運動或訓練前一個小時以內進食人數為 12.9%;運動或訓練後半個小時以內進食人數 24.1%。有使用營養補充劑為 62.4%,與專項運動項目有關,性別與運動營養態度為是否使用營養補充劑的預測因子,女性使用高蛋白類的營養補充劑機率比男性少。飲品攝取方面,水分攝取於知識、態度、行為的表現上較為一致。有 77.5% 的人表示「訓練日的飲食建議」為最需要的運動營養資訊。65.6% 的人表示未來最希望透過網站或連結獲得相關訊息。 結論: 一、運動營養知識答題情形仍有改善空間,尤其應對青少年選手加強蛋白質與運動的相關作用知識。 二、建議選手可在飲食及飲水方面運用運動營養的相關建議,根據個人化調整,做出更好的食物選擇。 三、性別與運動營養相關態度可能會影響營養補充劑的選擇,不同專項運動項目對於是否使用營養補充劑也有顯著性差異,建議選手以原型態高蛋白食物取代高蛋白類型營養補充劑。 四、對於飲食型態正在轉變為以外食為主的趨勢,更需要注意飲食攝取的均衡性及攝取量。 五、青少年選手在運動前中後的飲食攝取行為不符合目前的運動營養建議,鼓勵青少年選手自行攜帶點心,對於立即補給食物的建議較可能達成。 六、自行找過與運動相關的飲食建議者,運動營養知識與相關態度也會比較好。若青少年運動員接受由營養師提供具有系統性的營養教育訓練,對於未來健康的維持與運動表現皆能有所幫助。


運動營養 態度 行為 高中 青少年運動員


Purpose: Adolescence is a critical phase in the transition from childhood to adulthood. This study was to investigate the cognitive of sports nutrition knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and education sources and needs in senior high school athletic students. To analyze the results and provide a reference for future sports nutrition education. Methods: A total of 311 uses convenient sampling to valid questionnaires was collected, included "personal basic information", "sports nutrition related behavior", "sports nutrition related attitude", "sports nutrition knowledge", "sports nutrition knowledge related information" for high school athletic students were assessed from statistical software package SPSS version 25.0. Result: The average mean score of sports nutrition knowledge was 55.5%. Females. Women scored better than men overall, and there was no significant difference in gender on protein question related topics. School residents’ sports nutrition attitude scores were significantly positive than those living in their homes. Self-seeking sports-related dietary counselors have significantly better knowledge and attitudes in sports nutrition. Adolescent athletes were less likely to skip breakfast. Eat within 1-h before training/game was 12.9%. Eat within 1-h after training/game was 20.1%. The number of people who use nutritional supplements was 62.4%, which was related to individual sports programs. Gender and sports nutrition attitudes are predictors of whether or not to use nutritional supplements. Women were less likely to use high-protein supplements than men. Knowledge of correct hydration practices was best, and this good level of knowledge coincided with players’ favorable hydration attitudes and practices. 77.5% of adolescent athletes think "Match-day dietary advice" was the most needed sports nutrition information. 65.6% of adolescent athletes would like to get the relevant information through the website or link in the future. Conclusion: 1. Sports nutrition knowledge still needs to be improved, especially for young athletes to strengthen the related knowledge of protein and exercise. 2. It is recommended that players can use sports nutrition advice in diet and water, and make better food choices based on personal adjustment. 3. Gender and sports nutrition-related attitudes may affect the choice of nutritional supplements. Different sports also had significant differences in the used of nutritional supplements. It is recommended that players replace high-protein supplements with high-protein whole foods. 4. Diet patterns are shifting to a trend of eating outside, and more attention needs to be paid to the balance of dietary intake and dietary intake. 5. The dietary intake behavior of young athletes before and after exercise did not meet the current sports nutrition recommendations. To encourage young athletes to carry their snacks. It was more likely to be possible to immediately supply food. 6. Self-seeking sports-related diet advice, sports nutrition knowledge and related attitudes will be better. If adolescent athletes receive systematic nutrition education training provided by dietitians, they can help with future health maintenance and athletic performance.


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