  • 學位論文


Quality Classification of Word of Mouth Based on an Information Quality Framework

指導教授 : 洪智力




WOM (word-of-mouth) has become important reference sources for consumers. They consider others’ experiences and suggestions before making purchase decisions. There are a lot of WOM be written by reviewers on the Internet. These reviewers’ writing styles are without any restrictions. For this reason, lead to difficult for consumers to find useful and qualitative information. In literature, most WOM mining researches mainly focus on document sentimental classification but ignore the importance of WOM quality. In this research, we classify WOM documents based on the information quality (IQ) framework. In the part of sentiment, we determine polarity of sentimental term with sentimental values of SentiWordNet in order to automatically identify the opinion sentences in a document. Furthermore, different elements of IQ may have different influencing power on quality. Therefore, this research extracts experts’ opinions and evaluates importance degree of IQ elements through the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Experiment results show that our proposed approach which integrates IQ framework with AHP technique can promote performance on WOM quality classification and also demonstrate that different IQ elements have different importance on information quality.


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