  • 學位論文


Business Model and Competitive Strategies of Solar Industry For Taiwan and China

指導教授 : 鄭鈞云


矽晶太陽能電池為整個矽晶太陽能產業之核心,與矽原料、矽晶圓、模組及系統共組供應鏈。雖然上下游之屬性互異,但彼此又具有緊密的共生結構關係。目前全球太陽能市場之主流產品為矽晶太陽能電池,而整體產業之重心又集中於中國及台灣,因此本研究將探討兩岸矽晶太陽能電池產業之營運策略,期望藉由本次之研究研擬出永續發展的方向與對應之策。 首先,完整地回顧太陽能產業之整體現況,包括探討兩岸矽晶太陽能產業之產業特性與產業生命週期、產業價值鏈與產業供應鏈;並藉由鑽石理論模型、SWOT與Porter五力分析、產業群聚分析、政府政策分析、PEST環境分析等分析方式充分討論及解析。另外,本次研究採用的是產業分析與個案分析之研究方法,產業分析除了可對產業之歷史與現況進行描述外,更重要的是可對其原因或影響做深入解釋,並搭配個案分析予以輔助說明,最後則是研擬對企業未來的預測與方案。 綜合而言,台灣太陽能廠面對的是全球與中國的競爭,應思考如何充分利用我們的競爭優勢擬定營運策略與市場佈局,除了向我們的政府爭取更多資源外,應結合供應鏈上下游之優勢以發揮資源互補的綜效,共同面對未來的考驗與挑戰。


Silicon solar cell is the core of the silicon solar industry, which associates with silicon materials, silicon wafers, module and systems as a supply chain. Although the characteristics of upstream and downstream are different, they do have a close symbiotic and structure relationship. At present, the mainstream products of the global solar market are silicon cells and major players are located in China and Taiwan.We will try to research the operating strategies of the silicon solar cell intustry in China and Taiwan, and try to figure out the direction of sustainable development and corresponding policy. This thesis begins with a complete review of the present solar industry as a whole, including exploring the characteristics of silicon solar industry and the industry life cycle, the industry value chain and industry supply chain. We adopt diamond theoretical model, SWOT and Porter five forces analysis, industrial cluster analysis, government policy analysis, the environmental of PEST analysis to explore our research issues. In addition, this study used industry analysis and case study research methods to make the description of the history and current status, and more importantly, which can do in-depth explanation of its cause or effect. By using case studies, this study sets forth the predictions of the future plan for the enterprise. Overall, solar manufacturers of Taiwan faced global competition, should think about the competitive advantages suggested by us to operate the market plans. In addition to securing more resources from our government, firms should combine advantages of upstream and downstream in supply-chain to achieve a complementary effect. And also, solar manufacturers have to face the challenges together in the future.


