  • 學位論文


Development and Competitive Strategies of the Photovoltaic Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 葉佳炫


隨著人類文明與科技的進步,對能源的需求與使用也日益增加,能源耗竭與全球暖化成為我們當前急需面對與克服的重要課題,發展再生能源無疑是解決上述困境的最佳方法。在各國政府的積極支持與推動之下,再生能源正快速的蓬勃發展,而其中太陽能由於具有安全、無污染、無噪音且可永久使用的優點,因此成為當前最具發展潛力且最受矚目的綠色能源。 本研究將藉由文獻的探討與整理來了解目前太陽光電產業的發展概況及各國政府對太陽光電產業相關政策的發展,並運用Michael Porter的五力分析與SWOT分析模式針對台灣太陽光電產業目前的現況與競爭力作一分析,進而提出適合台灣太陽光電產業的競爭策略。由於太陽能發電成本比傳統電力來源相對較高,因此政府的態度與政策也是太陽能產業發展成效好壞的關鍵因素之一,故本文也將針對台灣的能源政策進行探討。 發揮優勢、改善劣勢、掌握機會、降低威脅,期能幫助台灣廠商在競爭日益激烈的賽場中搶得獲利先機,發展出獨特的競爭優勢,創造台灣特有價值,並引領台灣企業對地球環境保護及永續發展作出具體貢獻。


With the advance of human civilization and technology, people have increasing demands in energy. Energy consumption and global warming have become the important issues that we need to face and conquer from now. Undoubtedly, developing the renewable energy is the best way to solve the problem. Under the government's active support and promotion, renewable energy market is developing in full speed, the solar energy is safe, clean, noiseless and sustainable, and thus it is considered as the most potential and popular green energy. This research discusses the development of the photovoltaic industry and the policies of governments through literature reviews. Michael Porter’s five forces analysis and SWOT analysis are used to discuss the situation and the competencies of the photovoltaic industry in Taiwan, then we offer the suitable competitive strategies for the photovoltaic industry in Taiwan. The cost of solar energy is higher than that of the traditional energy, so the government's attitude and policies become key points for the developing of the photovoltaic industry. This research will discuss the energy policies in Taiwan as well. In conclusion, using strength, improving weakness, catching opportunity and decreasing threat to help the companies in Taiwan to get the profitable opportunities and to develop unique competitive advantages and special value in Taiwan. And then to lead companies in Taiwan to make a concrete contribution to environmental protection and sustainable development.


Solar Photovoltaic Five Forces Model SWOT Analysis


【15】Porter,M.E., Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, Free Press, New York. , 1980
【1】台灣因應氣候變化綱要公約資訊網, http://www.tri.org.tw/unfccc/Unfccc/UNFCCC02.htm
