  • 學位論文


Supply Chain Risk Management Regarding Purchasing from China - A Case of C Company

指導教授 : 邱榆淨


中國自 2001年加入世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, WTO)後,隨著全球化趨勢的潮流,中國已成為全球汽車產業最具發展潛力的市場。台灣市場因規模小,單一車種不易達成規模經濟,在台灣加入WTO後整車進口關稅調降,使國內車廠逐漸失去價格優勢。藉由兩岸同文同種的優勢,以及經濟合作架構協議(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA)的正式生效,使國產汽車製造廠對零組件的採購,有更多來自中國各省份的選擇。 本研究之主要目的是分析個案C公司在採購策略的調整下,自中國採購的供應鏈存在那些關鍵風險因素?企業面對這些風險因素該如何因應與管理?經由文獻探討建立研究概念後,首先透過專家訪談建立研究的雛型,再以德爾菲法收斂及確認本研究之架構,包括四大構面與十五項準則,最後以決策實驗室法為基礎的網路程序分析法(DEMATEL-based ANP, DANP)求出構面與準則之權重與排序,並藉由個案公司實際之供應商的風險評估,驗證所建立之系統的可行性與可應用性。 研究結果顯示,關鍵構面為「供應風險」及「環境風險」,其管理意涵是當供應商的品質、交期及財務與成本的管理產生異常時,將影響採購企業內部的管理程序與控制方法;而環境風險構面雖非採購企業能完全主導控制,但當相對地理位置發生風險事件,因距離增加導致處理難度變高及時效性變差,易造成上下游供應鏈混亂、斷鏈。在十五項準則中,最為關鍵準則是「品質風險」及「交期風險」,其管理意涵是採購企業對於供應商的技術整合、品質管理與矯正措施及供應商員工教育訓練等,應定期的監督與輔導,以提升供應品質、強化供應商生產與製程的管理能力及增加零組件供應的穩定性。供應商整體管理水準提升,即有能力對應採購企業的小批量訂購與供貨模式,因此降低採購企業的存貨與呆滯成本及其它風險項目。 總結則建議個案公司可應用本研究建立之供應鏈風險管理系統,對供應商之風險值進行量化評估,以利管理及決策參考,讓不同組織間對個別供應商之風險管理易凝聚共識,使投入之資源更能針對問題核心尋求改善之。


Chain has become the market with the greatest growth potential in automobile industry in the world through globalization trends of the automobile industry after joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. On the other hand, due to the small market size, lack of economic scale in the single-produced vehicle, and tariff deduction on imported cars after joining the WTO, Taiwan’s companies lose their price advantage nowadays. However, China and Taiwan have the advantages in terms of the same language and culture. The ECFA (Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement) signed into effect allowed automobile manufacturers of Taiwan to have more sources and opportunities on parts purchasing from China. The main purpose of this research studies the key risk factors in supply chain of purchasing from China of the individual case with purchasing strategy adjustment. How enterprises respond and manage these risk factors? After establishing the concept of this research through literature review, the research created the prototype by expert interviews. Then, Delphi method is used to converge and identify the study framework including four dimensions and fifteen criteria. At last, the research used Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory based Analytic Network Process method (DEMATEL-based ANP, DANP) to find the weights and rankings of dimensions and criteria. And the feasibility and applicability of created system is verified using the risk assessment of the case by actual suppliers. As a result, the key dimensions are “supply risk” and “environmental risk”. The management implications of supply risk is that it will affect the internal management of procedures and control methods within purchasing company when quality, delivery, finances and cost management of suppliers is an exception. Environmental risk dimensions cannot completely dominant control of the purchasing company. When a risk event occurs in the same location, it could easily lead to the orderless supply chain of upstream and downstream and broken chain because increased distance cause processing difficulty is high and deteriorated timeliness. Its managerial implications are procurement enterprise should be regular supervision and counselling for suppliers of technology integration, quality management, corrective measures, employee education and training, and so on to improve supply quality and strengthen the management capacity of suppliers to produce and process, increasing the stability of supplies of components. The management ability of supplier is raised that means they have the ability to purchase enterprises of small quantities and delivery mode, and it will reduce the inventory, sluggish costs and other risks items of procurement business. As a result of the study, the individual case can make decisions and quantify the value-at-risk of the supplier in order to facilitate management through supply chain risk management system established in this study. It helps to reach a consensus easier on the key points of supplier chain risk improvement and utilize the resources to focus on resolving major issues within the organization.


任光德、林崇仁、莊貿雄,2010年,「應用 DANP 之多準則決策模式探討資訊化專案管理系統的影響關聯與重要度」,運籌與管理學刊,第九卷第一期,頁55-66。


謝豐吉(2019)。影響癌症篩檢意願之關鍵因素 –以臺北市立A醫院為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201900558
