  • 學位論文


Multiple Criteria Evaluation of Outsourcing Project of Public Institutions - A Case of Cleaning Business in CSIST

指導教授 : 胡宜中


公務機關積極推動非核心行政業務委外,主要是希望能減輕公務預算的支出。公務機關委外廠商評選模式主要以單準則價格標方式評選廠商,即以投標價格最低且進入底標者為得標商。得標廠商往往以低價搶標方式作業,為確保利潤,會減少各項費用支出。履約結果僅能低度達到合約要求,卻無法達到較高之履約品質,往往造成公務機關與得標商間履約爭議。此為以單準則為思維模式的價格標所無法避免的現象。目前公務機關針對業務委外廠商評選,除單準則價格標的模式外,尚有多準則的最有利標作業方式,其除兼顧價格水準外,還將廠商之技術、品質、功能等列入評選條件,將可補充單準則價格標評選廠商之不足之處。 以中山科學研究院環境清潔業務委外為例:一年委外經費需將近4000萬元,廠商評選的方式為依政府採購法的公開招標方式作業。承包商為了獲致營業績效,故以低價搶標方式承攬。承包商為確保利潤,於履約階段減少人事及專業設備等費用的支出。造成中科院雖對整體清潔作業不滿意,但卻無法可罰之窘境。若能以最有利標的精神建立較完善之行政業務委外廠商評選機制,較能評選出履約品質較好的廠商。   本研究參考相關文獻歸納出雛型構面及準則,並請具實務經驗專家提供意見,建立包含「廠商經驗」、「經濟因素」、「管理能力」、「專業能力」及「配合度」等五個評估構面及其相關準則為評選公務機關行政業務委外廠商之重要因素。由於各準則、構面間存在相依性,本研究使用網路程序分析法及 DANP 找出各因素之相對權重,以決定關鍵構面及準則。   研究結果顯示關鍵構面、準則,及其對中山科學研究院環境清潔業務委外廠商評選的管理意涵如下:  一、「專業能力」、「廠商經驗」為關鍵構面。業務委外時首要考量承攬廠商之專業度,如此才能達到事半功倍及節省人力、物力之效果;另具相關經驗的廠商可以很快地熟悉承攬之業務工作內容,較能如質如期完成各項任務。 二、在專業能力構面下「專業技術」及「人員素質」為關鍵準則:廠商本身具備專業之技術除能提高工作效率、提升工作品質,亦能確保各項工作場所衛生安全作業,同樣的,具有專業技術的人力,人員素質必然提升。 三、在廠商經驗構面下「相關經歷」為關鍵準則:若廠商本身具備豐富經歷,顯示該廠商具一定水準的承攬業務能量。   本研究雖以中山科學研究院為例,仍可供其他公務機構之實質參考,即辦理行政業務委外廠商評選時,參考本研究辦理評選,以達到有效樽節單位預算、人力,且委外業務廠商服務品質優良的理想目標。


Public Institutions to actively promote the outsourcing of non-core administrative business, hoping to alleviate the official budget expenditures.The public office outsourcing vendor selection mode single criteria price bids vote manufacturers, the lowest tender price into the bottom bidder for standard providers out. The winning tenderer often operating at low prices high bids to ensure that profits will reduce various expenses. Compliance results only low to meet the contract requirements, has failed to achieve a higher quality of performance, contract performance disputes often caused by the civil authorities and the Inter bid. This is the price of standard single criteria for the mode of thinking can not avoid the phenomenon. Public office for business outsourcing vendor selection, addition to the price of the underlying mode of single criteria, there are multiple criteria most advantageous tender practices, in addition to taking into account the price level, also manufacturers of the technology, quality, functionality included in the selection conditions, will supplement the inadequacies of the single criteria price standard selection of vendors. A Case of Cleaning Business in CSIST .Year outsourcing nearly 40 million yuan funds, vendor selection for jobs open tender in accordance with the Government Procurement Law. Contractor attainable operating performance, high bids at low prices and contract. Contractors to ensure profits in the compliance phase to reduce personnel costs and professional equipment expenditures. CSIST was not satisfied with the overall cleanliness of the job, but it can not be fined dilemma. Establish better administrative operations outsourcing vendor selection mechanism, if the spirit of the most beneficial to the subject than the selected manufacturers with better performance quality. This study refer to the relevant literature summarized prototype dimensions and criteria, and expert advice with practical experience and establish contains “vendor experience”, “economic factors”,“management capacity”,“professional competence”and“ with degrees of”5 dimensions and its related guidelines as an important factor in the selection of public office administrative business outsourcing vendors. Dependency between each standard dimensions, this study, using ANP and DANP identify the relative weights of the factors weighing to determine the critical dimensions and criteria. The research results show that the critical dimensions, criteria, CSIST cleaning business outsourcing vendor selection managerial implications are as follows: 1.“Professional competence”, “vendor experience” as key dimensions. Business outsourcing the primary considerations contract manufacturer of professional degrees, so that it can achieve more with less and saving human and material effect; another vendor with relevant experience can quickly familiar with the contract business content, representing the timely completion of various tasks, such as the quality of . 2.Professional competence dimensions, “professional and technical” and “the quality of personnel” as the key criteria: vendor itself with professional technology can improve the work efficiency and improve the quality of work and the workplace to ensure the health and safety jobs same with professional and technical manpower, personnel quality is bound to improve. 3.Vendor experience dimensions, “experience” as the key criteria: if the vendor itself has a rich experience of the manufacturers with a certain level of contract business energy. This study to the CSIST, for example, is still available other public body in the substance of reference, that handle administrative business outsourcing vendor selection, refer to the study for the selection, in order to achieve effective bottle section units budget, manpower, and outsourcing business vendor service quality ideal target.




