  • 學位論文


A Study of Optimizing the Formulas for Gravure Ink by Applying Design of Experiment Method

指導教授 : 郭財吉


聚乙烯薄膜(Polyethylene, PE)經常被應用於包裝產業中。如工業緩衝材包裝、面版的保護膜、食品包裝袋、醬油包、拉伸包裝膜、購物袋、防水布、收縮膜等。聚乙烯塑膠經由注塑、擠塑、或吹塑,等方式製成薄膜或器具。由於聚乙烯材質表面張力低,於印刷油墨前須經過電暈(CORONA)或火焰(FLAME)處理,將表面張力提高至38達因(Dyne = 0.00001N) 大部分油墨才可附著。由於各印刷廠所取得的電暈處理或火焰處理的效果並不一致,同時聚乙烯薄膜經過處理後的處理度也會因為時間而衰退至35~36達因,造成油墨附著不良。故本研究之凹版油墨添加對聚乙烯的密著補強劑及滑性劑,提高對於未處理的高密度聚乙烯薄膜的附著度。並利用實驗設計法考量凹版油墨印刷於未處理之高密度聚乙烯薄膜的光澤、附著度、最大靜摩擦力、動摩擦力找出5個凹版油墨配方中之影響因子。每個影響因子設定2個實驗水準,進行25全因子實驗設計,找出效能最佳化的凹版油墨配方參數組合,再依實際限制條件使用作業研究方法求得最經濟的參數組合,進行5次驗證實驗,驗證其最佳化參數組合是可靠的。


Polyethylene (PE) film is often used in packaging industry like industrial cushioning material, panel protective film, food packaging bags, sauce packets, stretch wrap films, shopping bags, tarps, shrink film etc. These appliances or films were made via injection molding, extrusion or blow molding. Due to the low surface tension of the polyethylene material, the surface of polyethylene is required a pretreatment before printing. Since the surface tension of polyethylene is low, it require to be pretreatment by corona of flame to increase the surface tension up to 38 dyne, otherwise would fail to adhesive when printing. Achieved by the effect of the corona treatment or flame treatment is not uniform, and the degree of the treated polyethylene film will decline as time to 35~36 dynes to make the inks fail to adhesive. This study was to add reinforcing agents and slip agents into gravure ink to improve the adhesion on untreated high density polyethylene film. In this case is to apply the method of design of experiment to find the relationships between the effects and impact factors of the gravure ink. There are five impact factors each factor was set two experimental level and four effects are the gloss, adhesion degree, static friction, and dynamic friction which was tested after printing the gravure ink on untreated high-density polyethylene film. These impact factors and effects conduct 25 full factorial experimental design to identify performance-optimized formula of gravure ink. Then consider the restrictions of reality to find the most economical formula of the gravure ink, then doing five times pilot runs to verify the optimal formula is reliable.


Gravure ink DOE Formula Optimization


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