  • 學位論文


A supply planning model combining remanufacturing and purchasing system in a reverse logistics environment.

指導教授 : 邱裕方




再製造 逆物流 不確定性


Recently, due to the rising of environmental awareness, people will care more about the limited natural resource and the environment. Many countries have established product recovery and other related laws. It enforces many companies to develop green production, green design, remanufacturing and resource recycling. The biggest difference between reverse logistics and supply chain is in the uncertainty of quality and quantity of recyclable items. However, companies must invest in recovery operations. Because, if they cannot achieve the expected benefits beyond fixed costs and uncertain benefits of recycling, they will have to reduce overall costs. So, under the premise of sustainable development, when performing reverse logistics, companies should not only be subjected to legal specification and uncertain factors, but also obtain economic benefits. Thus, this is a difficult, yet an important task. This study expects to help manufacturers plan and reduce remanufacturing costs by knowing the amount of raw materials and the amount of recycled product through remanufacturing process needed before they start manufacturing process. After considering the reusability of products, although the cost will increase a little bit, the quality of the products will also increase and that will reduce the failure risk of the product.


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