  • 學位論文


A Benefit Study of Introducing Server Virtualization to an Enterprise

指導教授 : 劉士豪博士


隨著全球競爭加劇、原物料不斷上漲的經濟環境,使得大多數的企業必須面對公司成本增加的挑戰及壓力,因此企業紛紛為了縮減開支而大幅刪減IT預算。為了降低IT管理與維運方面的成本,讓許多企業已經開始思考是否能透過伺服器虛擬化來大幅降低資訊機房維運成本的問題。 由於個案公司組織擴增及資料量日益龐大,為了滿足公司當前資訊系統迫切之需求,則必須逐年購置及升級資訊機房的硬體系統與設備。因此不斷增加的資訊系統與伺服器設備,容易衍生出資訊機房用電超過負荷、空調冷卻不足、維運成本增加等問題。 本研究以企業導入伺服器虛擬化為例,來驗證導入虛擬化技術的可行性及效益,藉以了解虛擬化技術導入是否可以有效降低機房設置及維運成本,並達成資源集中、簡化管理、節能效益等,並透過個案在導入伺服器虛擬化後所遭遇的問題探討,提供未來欲導入伺服器虛擬化技術的企業,在實務經驗上的借鏡與參考。


The competition of global companies and the cost gets higher in economic environment. Most companies have to face higher cost, challenge and pressure.In order to cut down on the expenses, companies decrease the budget of it. To decrease the cost of server room's maintenance, many companies begin to consider solving the problems by using server virtualization. Due to the organization of companies get enlarged and larger information data. To satisfy information system of current companies in need. Companies must purchase and update server room's hardware system and equipment yearly. Therefore,more information system and server equipment continually increase. It easily lead to some problems such as over electricity in server room,in shortage of air conditioning and much more the cost of maintenance. This research is an example as server virtualization in companies. To proof that using server virtualization are available and effective in companies. By using sever vitualization,whether they decrease the cost of server room and maintenance effectively or not. To save resource, simplify management and eco-friendly and so on.Through individual cases, we discuss the problems of using server virtualization.the research provide actual experiences and reference in companies which use server virtualization in the future.


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Wiley & Sons, Inc.


