  • 學位論文


Take Care for The New Bud:Cases Study of Parents-Child Interaction and School Adjustment of New Immigrant Family

指導教授 : 楊慶麟


本研究旨在瞭解新移民親子互動形式及子女學校適應情形,探討新移民親子互動對其子女學校適應之影響,探究新移民透過親子互動協助子女學校適應所遇到的困難及解決策略。 本研究採取質性研究之個案研究法,以建構取向觀點,透過深入訪談與文件分析方式蒐集資料,進而將資料整理、歸納、分析。最後,以三角檢證、同儕詢問與支持及成員檢測的方式,以確保本研究的信實度。 本研究結論如下: 一、新移民親子互動形式行為互動、心理互動及身體互動。 二、新移民子女在學校適應各層面表現均為良好。 三、新移民親子互動影響子女學習適應、常規適應、自我概念及人際關係。 四、新移民透過親子互動協助子女學校適應所遇到的困難為中文認讀困難、親子互動時間不足及對學校事務感到無力,而其解決策略為夫妻協調、親師溝通、網絡利用。


新移民 親子互動 學校適應


This research aims to investigate the correlation between new immigrant family’s parent-child interaction and the school adjustment of immigrant children. The objective of the study is to discover the difficulties of new immigrant children’s school adjustment by means of parent-child interaction and the strategy of problem-solving. The case study method of qualitative research is applied to construct an oriented viewpoint. Through in-depth interview and document analysis, this research tries to collect information and data and to integrate, induce, classify and analyze them. Finally, triangulation, peer debriefing and member checking are used to ensure the quality and creditability. The results are the research: 1. New immigrant family parent-child interaction includes behavioral interaction, psychological interaction and physical interaction. 2. Immigrant children perform well at school. 3. The parent-child interaction of new immigrant family has a great impact on children’s learning adjustment, regularity adjustment, interpersonal relationship and self-concept. 4. Through parent-child interaction, the new immigrant families are facing the diffidulties while they are helping their children to adapt to school learning. The difficulties are: in reading Chinese, less parental time and the frustration of school affairs. The solutions are: coordination of parents, parent-teacher communication and the application of internet.


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