  • 學位論文


Simulation and Identification of the Capacity Curve on Reinforced Concrete Buildings

指導教授 : 林炳昌


摘要 建築物的耐震能力模擬分析結果與分析模型中各構件之塑鉸性質息息相關,而國內外以研究理論推之塑鉸性質,鮮少有過實體建築物實驗數據於以比較,故民國94年始,國家地震中心著手進行一系列現地靜態側推試驗,藉此獲得最直接的建築物震損資料。 本文利用前人研究之理論成果,試推算梁、柱構材及台度磚牆等強度與其塑角性質,利用SAP2000程式進行非線性推覆分析,進而模擬實體建築物在受地震力影響時之行為模式及破壞機制,並將模擬結果與試驗成果相比較,希望尋找一套有效模擬容量曲線的模擬方法。


Abstract The analysis of seismic assessment of buildings will result in the plastic hinge property of members. But the plastic hinge properties of members were studied base on the theory in the past, less studies have compared to existing building test data. Since 1995, the center for Research on Earthquake Engineering carry out a series of static push-over tests for existing building, in order to get result of the correspond to earthquake damage of reality. This study calculates the strength and plastic deformation of members beam,such as column and brick wall. By using the analysis procedure of nonlinear static push-over in SAP2000, the results of simulation compared to the results of push-over test for existing buildings.


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