  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Team Teaching on Mathematics Learning Effects of Sixth-Grade Students

指導教授 : 張世忠


本研究目的旨在探究協同教學應用於國小六年級數學領域的實施現況,並探究協同 模式對學生數學學習成效及數學概念的影響,以及實施困境,並記錄行動歷程以提供教 師們參考。 本研究採行動研究法,於九十六學年度第一學期實施(自民國九十六年九月至九十 七年一月止),針對協同教師任教班級的三十一名六年級學生,實施為期十九週的數學 課程。資料來源包括自編試卷成績、學生數學日記、教師教學會議記錄、教學錄影、晤 談及教師省思札記等,本研究以質性探討為主並輔以量化分析,研究結果發現: 一、本研究採主從式及分組式協同教學模式,其產生歷程分別為:蒐集相關文獻及資 料,以了解協同教學的模式、分析適合本研究之模式所具有的優點、找出適合本 研究相關人員實施之模式、配合學校行事從上述模式中選取。 二、本研學提供立即性的指導,讓學生重拾信心,增加成就感;協同教學加強學生對 數學概念的理解,減少迷思概念,使得協同教學能提升學生的學習成效。 三、本研究的實施歷程中產生協同模式選取不易、協同團隊成員間意見相左、上課秩 序不佳、學生認為不公平、教師的獎勵制度不一等困難,透過團隊的省思與修正 行動策略並實踐來克服。 本研究可供後續研究者作參考,根據教學團隊實際的條件而採用不同的協同模式, 並探究其對學生學習成效及數學概念的影響。


The aim of this research is to investigate the current practice of team teaching in the field of mathematics with the participants in their sixth year in an elementary school. Those students’ learning effects, mathematical concepts, and present teachers’ difficulties in team teaching will be discussed in the research, and the entire project could be a documentary record for teachers’ reference. In the research, action research was adopted. Thirty-one sixth graders in a team teacher’s class were the subjects who had received a 19-week(Sep 2007 to Jan 2008)mathematics curriculum. The students’ test scores, questionnaires, the students’ diaries, interviews with the students, teaching performances recorded by video tapes, and the journals of teacher’ self-reflection were the sources of the research data. The main research method was a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis. The following are the results of the research: 1. Two forms of co-teaching were conducted in this study: one teaching/one assisting and alternative. The process is as follows: collecting literature and data to understand the forms of co-teaching and then analyzing the features of the forms of co-teaching to decide the appropriate pattern for this study. 2. Classes with team teaching could be more interesting. Hence, students’ motivation in learning mathematics has increased. Besides, direct and immediate instructions were given in a team teaching class, students’ self-confidence and sense of achievement could be gained more easily. Moreover, team teaching could facilitate students’ ability to understand mathematical concepts so that learning effects were improved. 3. There are many problems emerging in the investigation such as the difficulty of choosing an appropriate team teaching model, disagreement between team teachers, teachers being considered unfair by students, and different standard of giving rewards, etc. The teaching team has to reflect themselves once in a while to solve these problems. For those researchers who are interested in team teaching, that the pattern of the team teaching can be flexible depending on the characteristics of the teaching team and the study of the influence on students’ learning effects and mathematical concepts can be further studied.




