  • 學位論文


A Study of Coping with Teacher Redundancy Law of Public school systems.

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


摘 要 本文主要研究探討公立中小學處理超額教師之法律制度。首先探討超額教師產生之原因及機制,再以憲法基本權面向切入,分析歸納處理超額教師制度所涉及之基本權。其次探討中央與地方在處理超額教師制度上之權限劃分問題,其中亦包括公立中小學教師課稅後,教育部相關配套措施之探討。最後,藉由各地方政府超額介聘制度之分析比較,檢視有無符合法治國各項原則。 本文期望藉由上述面向之探討得出研究結論,並對目前現行處理超額教師制度提出建議。根據研究結果,本文對於公立中小學處理超額教師之法律制度,有以下幾點建議: 1. 超額介聘制度應有明確的法律授權 2. 處理超額教師問題權限應劃分清楚 3. 認定超額教師標準應全國一致 4. 應儘速建立教師評鑑制度作為認定超額教師之依據 5. 地方政府應落實教育法規 6. 校內處理超額教師之行政程序應有具體規範 本文深切盼望以上建議,在處理超額教師的教育議題上,能對於教師工作權益保障有所助益,並落實法治國原則之要求,亦進一步能夠提升國民教育品質、保障學生受教權、學習權。


Abstract This study investigates the current policies that cope with teacher redundancy of public school systems. First,the reasons why teacher redundancy occur and its mechanism are discussed.Second,from the basic right view, discussing current policies how to limit the basic rights of redundant teachers.Third,authority divison of central and local goverments concerning coping with teacher redundancy,including supporting measures for implementation of teacher income taxation,is investigted.fourth,whether the current policies comply with the principle of rule of law is examined by analysing and comparing teacher transfer policies formulated by local goverments. According to research conclusions,this study aims to make suggestions for current policies coping with teacher redundancy,which include the following: 1. The formulation of the teacher transfer policies should be based on legal authorisation. 2. The authority division concerning coping with teacher redundancy should be clearly delineated. 3. Standards of screening redundant teachers should be homogenous amongst different counties. 4. Teacher evaluation policies,whose outcomes are suggested to be treated as the basis of screening redundant teachers,should be established as soon as possible. 5. Local governments should implement current educational personnel act. 6. Within a school,administrative procedures coping with teacher redundancy should be explicitly stipulated Hope that the above suggestions can be helpful to securing the basic rights of redundant teachers,and to implement the principle of rule of law.Moreover,it’s also to enhance the quality of national compulsory education,and to protect the students' right to learn, the right to access education.


