  • 學位論文


The Female’s Body and Space -Reading the spatial meanings of Interior Design in Modern Taiwan Female Designers

指導教授 : 陳其澎


本研究以女性主義的角度做出發,由男權文化下所衍生出的論點,談現存男性主義的環境。本文嘗試從身體與空間中探討性別在環境間的差異,從台灣現代室內空間去探討男女之間的性別角色。並從探討歷史中女性與空間的性別角色,去發掘女性在空間中的經驗與轉變。透過傳統的價值觀,解讀「現代家庭」對於男性與女性的意義,再從性別的角度作為出發點,探討生活環境與居家設計的室內空間,室內的性別空間與性別角色差異如何造成影響。 身體與空間的建構,致使空間區分為二元化的性別空間,從古至今女性的使用空間相對於男性是有所限制的,但婦女卻往往是這個家庭最大的勞動者,因此男女平等的社會還是須被探討的,以國內室內設計師為例,室內居家空間的呈現須透過兩性化的檢視,為何女性設計師卻設計出標榜男性主義下的產物?論現代女性已擁有獨立自主的消費能力行為,在設計上也開始著重於女性的獨立空間,但男性化的空間還是主導著這整個社會,就連女性設計師也一直打造著男性化的空間? 平等的性別化空間需要互相體諒與尊重,論女性身體空間並解讀台灣現代室內住宅之意義。本論文想研究的方向是探討從古至今的婦女在居家空間所扮演的角色,並影響至今台灣室內設計的空間意涵。


This study starts from the perspective of feminism and the viewpoint deriving from the patriarchal culture to discuss the environment of the existing masculinity. It attempts to explore the gender difference in different environments from the aspects of body and space, in particular, to explore the role of both genders from the modern indoor space in Taiwan. Furthermore, it attempts to thoroughly investigate females' experiences and transformations in space by historically discussing their role in space. Through the traditional value outlooks, it interprets the significance of modern family to males and females. And then starting from the perspective of gender, it discusses the living environment and the interior home design, the space for both genders as well as how gender differences in the space and role come up. The construction of body and space leads the space to be divided into based on gender. Down the ages, the space used by females is restricted compared with that of males, but women are always the primary labor in the entire family. Therefore, the society with gender equality still needs to be discussed. Take the national interior designers as an example. The presentation of the interior home space needs to be inspected from the perspective of both genders. Why do the female designers design the works based on masculinity? The modern women have already owned the independent consumption ability and their design also start to emphasize the independent space of females. The problem is why the masculine space still dominates the entire society, and even female designers keep creating the masculine space. To create equal space for both genders, it needs mutual understanding and respect. The female body space is discussed and the significance of Taiwan modern interior housing is interpreted. The goal of this thesis is to discuss the role which females have played in home space since the old times, and which still influences the spatial indications in today's interior design in Taiwan.


Residential Space Gender Roles Feminism


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