  • 學位論文


Influence Analysis of Internet Channel and Spokesperson to Purchase Intention on the Liquid Enzyme

指導教授 : 陳筱琪


液體酵素相關企業在行銷推廣中傳遞產品相關資訊時,常藉由網路溝通工具與代言人方式,影響消費者的購買意願,但企業透過兩種方式傳遞資訊時,是否能影響消費者之購買意願呢?因此本研究,欲探討液體酵素相關企業在行銷策略規劃中,使用較合宜的網路溝通工具與代言人,有效傳遞產品資訊,以降低消費者對液體酵素之疑慮,進而增加消費者的購買意願。 本研究透過文獻回顧,發現網路溝通工具有七種類型,而代言人則有三種類型;由文獻回顧過程中將發現的子構面發展成問卷,並以隨機抽樣方式進行問卷調查;而在將收集的資料,透過平均數的比較上突顯出不同構面間對於消費者之影響性,以及迴歸分析驗證本研究之假設與各構面間影響程度之比較,最後透過人口統計變項,瞭解不同消費族群對於購買意願之差異分析。 根據本研究得出以下二個結果,首先在不同網路溝通工具對液體酵素購買意願的影響有顯著正相關,發現消費者由網路論壇所搜尋的資訊或口碑,影響購買意願程度最高,而新聞群組次之,依序為部落格、產品網站、電子郵件,而在虛擬社群及即時通訊部分,消費者的觀感,將虛擬社群及即時通訊視為和部落格相同。而在不同類型代言人對購買意願亦為顯著正相關,影響消費者程度最高為吸引力型代言人,影響程度最低為專業型代言人,當專業型代言人,代言廣告數量過多時,消費者可能對該代言人的專業性持有保留態度。


Most companies in Taiwan like to promote Liquid Enzyme related products by using internet Channel and a spokesperson. The purpose of this study is to discuss the effect of those marketing strategy planning on eliminating consumers' doubts toward the product, and on consumers purchase intention. According to the literature review, there are 7 ways to promote Liquid Enzyme related products by using internet Channel. In addition, there are 3 different categories to choose a spokesperson. Base on the research. I created a Random sampling questionnaire. Analyzing average the results, highlights the impact of different dimensions of consumer's. And using regressing model , verify the assumptions of this study the various dimensions of impact. In addition, understand the different consumer's groups for purchase intention differences by demographic variables. In the conclusion, the SPSS analysis shows that using internet to promote liquid Enzyme related products and consumers' willingness to purchase is positively correlated. Posting products' related information or Word of Mouth on a internet forum is the best method to influence consumers' decisions. Posting products' information on a Newsgroups, Blog, Product Websites or through Electronic mail are less effective. From consumers' perspectives, virtual community and Instant messaging are the same as blog. On the other hand, attractiveness of a spokesperson influences consumer's decisions the most. A spokesperson that with more expertise in the product has less effect on consumer's willingness to purchase.


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