  • 學位論文

桃園縣八年級新住民子女的 數學成就表現研究

A Study of Mathematics Performance of Eight-Grader New Immigrant Children from Taoyuan County


摘要 本研究旨在探討新住民子女在八年級數學成就的學習表現,並且比較其與一般生數學成就的差異情形。本研究以立意取樣方式,選取桃園縣三所國中之東南亞籍新住民子女,以及一般生各39名為對象,研究工具為研究者自編的「八年級數學成就測驗」以及「新住民子女基本資料調查表」。為比較新住民子女與一般生數學成就的差異情形,本研究採用配對方法,將家庭社經地位、學校、性別、國語文成績等4個配對條件相符的一般生與新住民子女作配對比較。所使用的統計方法包括描述性統計、相依樣本t考驗。 本研究主要發現如下: ㄧ、新住民子女在八年級的數學成就表現有低落者也有傑出者,並非如社會大眾所認知的有普遍低落現象。 二、新住民子女在八年級數學成就測驗的總得分,顯著優於一般生。 三、新住民子女在「數與量」、「代數」、「幾何」三大主題,皆顯著優於一般生。 四、新住民子女在「概念理解」、「程序執行」兩大能力,顯著優於一般生,但在「問題解決」能力則無顯著差異。 整體而言,在控制了四個影響新住民子女學業成就之因素後,新住民子女的數學成就比一般生來得優異,只有在「問題解決」能力層次與一般生無顯著差異。新住民子女並非學習的弱勢族群,而造成其學業成就不佳的原因可能是這些不利因素的影響。 根據研究結果,研究者提出適當建議以供教育決策者參考;另提出未來研究的可能方向。


Abstract This research aimed to explore the mathematics performance of eight-grader new immigrant children from Taoyuan County, and to explore the differences in eight -grader mathematics achievement between Southeast Asian immigrant children and Taiwanese children. In this study, 39 new immigrant children were selected to pair with 39 Taiwanese children from three schools from Taoyuan County in Taiwan. “The basic information questionnaire of new immigrant children,” and “eighth-grade mathematics achievement test” were the research instruments. In order to explore the differences in eighth-grader mathematics achievement between Southeast Asian immigrant children and Taiwanese children, this research used paired comparison of matching new immigrant children and Taiwanese children with 4 influencing factors which are socioeconomic status, school, gender and native language performance as control variables. Statistical analysis including descriptive analysis, paired- samples t test. Based on the data analyses, the findings of the study are summarized as follows: 1. The performances of new immigrant children in eighth-grade mathematics achievement test are different from general assumption as people think. 2. The scores of new immigrant children in eighth-grade mathematics achievement test were significantly better than Taiwanese children. 3. The performances of new immigrant children on the subject of “number and quantity ”, “algebra ”, “geometry ” were significantly better than Taiwanese children. 4. There were significant differences in “conceptual understanding” and “procedure execution” abilities, and new immigrant children were better than Taiwanese children . But there were no significant differences in “problem solving” ability between new immigrant children and Taiwanese children . Overall, the performances of new immigrant children in eighth-grade mathematics achievement were better than Taiwanese children by controlling those 4 influencing factors. New immigrant children may not be the disadvantaged learning group, the underlying causes of their poor academic achievement may be effected by these adverse factors. According to the findings, implications and suggestions were provided for mathematics instructors, the educational authorities and the future researches.




