  • 學位論文


Molecular design of thermoresponsive zwitterionic interfaces and its switchable control of cell attachment/detachment

指導教授 : 張雍


本論文擬設計一材料界面來控制細胞貼附生長與有效脫附培養完成之細胞或組織,這對於未來發展組織工程與再生醫學技術是一項重要的環節。本研究提出一新的材料界面之分子結構設計概念,透過非離子性一級胺基、感溫性二級胺基與雙離子性硫代甜菜鹼來組成不同分子鏈結構體界面,並經由系統性的論證模型設計與實驗量測結果來驗證新材料系統之功能性。研究中,研究系統以溫感性材料N-Isopropylacrylamide (NIPAAm)結合AMA(2-Aminoethyl methacrylate hydrochloride)或SBMA(sulfobetaine Methacrylate),製備出四種不同結構表面,分別為: (a) PNIPAAm-PAMA水凝膠網狀結構表面; (b) PNIPAAm-PAMA 混合型刷狀結構表面; (c) PNIPAAm-PAMA雙成分刷狀結構表面; (d) PNIPAAM-PAMA-PSBMA 三成分刷狀結構材料表面。以X光光電子能譜儀來鑑定所製備材料之不同化學組成,並以酵素連結免疫吸附法(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA )來量測纖維蛋白於所製備材料結構界面之非特定吸附行為。研究結果顯示,增加材料中之非離子性一級胺基含量,可與生長因子相結合,有助於細胞貼附生長,而增加材料中之雙離子性硫代甜菜鹼含量,可強化細胞脫附的效能。在材料結構界面的分子鏈控制方面,以PNIPAAM-PAMA- PSBMA三成分刷狀結構體最能展現細胞吸脫附之雙功能性質。


In this work, a material interface that can control cell attachment and detachment in order to complete a culture tissue was designed. This is very important for future development of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine technology. This study proposes a new material surface design concept; the surface uses nonionic primary amine group、thermoresponsive secondary amine group and zwitterionic sulfobetaine to compose different molecular interfaces. Finally, through a systematic evaluation model design and the experimental results, the functionality of the new material system was verified. In this research, the system used a thermoresponsive material, N-Isopropylacrylamide (NIPAAm), combined with the AMA (2-Aminoethyl methacrylate hydrochloride) or SBMA (sulfobetaine Methacrylate) to prepare four differently structured surfaces: (A) PNIPAAm-PAMA gel surface, (B) PNIPAAm-PAMA brush surface, (C) PNIPAAm-PAMA dibrush surface, (D) PNIPAAM-PAMA-PSBMA tribrush surface. The effects of surface composition, graft morphology, hydrophilicity and hydration were determined. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with monoclonal antibodies was used to measure plasma protein adsorptions. It was found that the AMA brush can combine with the growth factor to improve cell attachment, and the SBMA brush can strengthen the cell detachment efficacy. In the molecular chain control, the PNIPAAM-PAMA-PSBMA tribrush structure has the best multi-functional property of the cell attachment-detachment.


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