  • 學位論文


Using Grey Relational Analysis and Neural Networks in Surface Roughness Prediction System of Milling Operations

指導教授 : 黃博滄


近年來隨著電子產業的發達,電腦數值工具機(Computer Numerical Control, CNC)銑削加工的需求也隨之增大,再加上產品品質的要求,使得CNC 銑削技術的研究成為各自動化產業注重的議題。在CNC銑削加工後,對於表面粗糙度的掌控會對品質的好壞產生極大的影響,為了能達到準確的表面粗糙度,許多學者希望利用預測的方式,來降低其額外成本,並且提高產品品質。 本研究以開發新的灰關聯類神經網路(GRANN)模型進行系統預測。在類神經網路中需要輸入因子才能得到所需的預測值,但是輸入因子過多或是過少皆可能影響到其網路的預測準確性,故本研究在類神經網路訓練前,先利用灰色關聯分析,將各因子與預測目標作關聯性的排序,並且把不必要的因子剔除,再進行類神經網路的訓練及預測,本研究經實驗證明使用灰關聯分析篩減因子後,經過類神經網路訓練可達到理想的預測結果。 為證明所提出方法之可靠性及準確性,本研究將運用所發展的GRANN預測模型於銑削加工的表面粗糙度預測實例中,建置出表面粗糙度預測系統,並與未使用灰關聯分析的類神經預測系統比較預測的準確性,最後再進一步的使用兩母體T分配假設檢定,比較此兩種預測系統之顯著差異性,以驗證此預測系統之準確性。


With the development of the electronics industry, the demands of computer numerical control (CNC) machine for milling operations are increased. Accompanying with the requirements of product quality, CNC milling technology becomes an important issue of various automation industries. Controlling of the surface roughness has a significant impact to the quality in CNC milling operations. In order to achieve accurate required surface roughness, many researchers hope to take advantages of the predictable manner, and to reduce the additional cost and improve the quality of the product. The purpose of this study is to develop a new grey relation neural network (GRANN) model to predict the surface roughness. In the neural network, Input factors are required in order to get the predicted value, but if there are too many or less input factors, both of them may affect the accuracy of the prediction system. Therefore, in this study, a grey relation analysis is applied before the training of neural network to analyze the correlation between the input factors and the predicted target and furthermore to remove unnecessary input factor. With the significant input factors found by grey relation, a neural network would be implemented to develop the GRANN prediction system. The experiment proved that neural network training can achieve the ideal predictions after using gray relational analysis sieve factor. To prove the reliability and accuracy of the method, this study uses the GRANN model to develop the surface roughness prediction system in milling operations, and this system compares with the accuracy of the system which doesn’t use grey relation analysis. Finally, A two-sample t-test is applied to verify if the GRANN prediction system can perform better than the traditional prediction system.


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