  • 學位論文


Comparison on lean production implementation for three auto parts companies

指導教授 : 黃惠民


汽車工業的零組件業者當前面臨的競爭與挑戰是來自於東南亞國家低廉勞動力的競爭、高品質的管制要求、嚴苛的產品規格、交貨期的縮短、價格下降的壓力、及內部追求最大利潤。因此汽車工業的零組件業者更急於生產改革突破現狀,取得競爭優勢,使得汽車中心廠與零組件廠得以共同攜手縮短新車的開發時間、加速零件及模組件的採購與生產,以少量多樣化產品策略,快速反應顧客需求,並能降低生產成本及提高產品之品質與製造之效率來共同創造產品價值。在過去數十年間「精實生產」概念帶動了全球汽車業的創新改革熱潮,產生了巨大的經濟和社會效益。 精實生產(lean production)主要是執行合理化的改善活動,目的是協助企業改善商業及製造流程,提高產品品質、生產力及產業競爭力。本技術報告採用「個案研究」作為分析方法,以三家汽、機車零件製造公司執行精實生產改革的經驗與理念,對個案公司進行產業分析、精實生產導入、及精實生產成效的探討,根據精實理念推行前置活動的五個原則進行分析:1.從客戶的角度確定產品及服務的價值,2.確認價值溪流,3.推動價值溪流的暢流,4.讓顧客推動價值溪流,5.持續改善,追求完美。藉由分析瞭解豐田生產系統的及時化生產、自働化、平準化等所帶來的效益。


Automobile industry manufacturers and suppliers are facing tough competitions of low waged labors from Southeast Asia countries. High quality control requirements, stringent product specifications, shortened delivery periods and sale price reductions result in the need for profit maximization. Therefore, automobile industry suppliers are eager to seek breakthroughs in production processes in order to increase their competitiveness. The market demands encourage major car manufacturers to work closely with their downstream suppliers to reduce development time of new car models, shorten purchase and production time of parts and components. They need to implement strategies to minimize lead time, reduce production cost, increase product quality and manufacturing efficiency. The concept of Lean Production has generated tremendous innovations and popularity among automobile industries in the past decades. The essence of Lean Production is in the implementation of logical processes of improvements to promote business and production flow, improve product qualities, enhance production efficiencies, and increase business competitiveness. The analytical methods adopted in this technical report include caparison case studies of three well-known automobile manufacturers and suppliers on Lean Production implementation. Each case is analyzed regarding its production processes, how the Lean Production methodologies were introduced, and the outcome of its implementation. The case is analyzed based on five principles of Lead Production theories: (1) determine the value of products and services from the customer's point of view; (2) confirm value stream mapping; (3) enhance value stream proposition; (4) empower the customers to promote value stream proposition; and (5) continual improvements and seeking perfection. Through these analysis and evaluations, it provides some managerial insights in the implementation of lean production system.


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