  • 學位論文


Research on The Automobile Industry Component Parts Logistics Operation System

指導教授 : 許通安


科技在進入21世紀後,越能體現資訊的快速流通所帶來的好處,虛擬資訊也逐漸 主宰我們的生活作息。而與生活息息相關的食、衣、住、行在現今更是離不開資訊科技 功能的影響,尤其是拜科技文明所產生的便利性與供應環節,處處充滿物品流通運作的 影子,故物流運用與管理已是生活必要的一部份。而更符合企業運作功能的物流管理, 已實為企業獲利與改造重要的一環。企業為求取最大利潤與永續經營,與合作夥伴廠商 間相互競爭與合作,以作為永續經營範疇,並從中找尋企業經營改善核心競爭能力。企 業在管理上所注重的整體營運效益,顯現在資訊的統籌規劃與運用上,做為現今管理與 策略學習及使用的要素。 汽車工業創造傳統產業生態,其涵蓋範圍囊括所有產業與服務業,零組件的生產與 銷售,更是延續產業生存的動力。汽車產業帶動傳統產業生存發展,並起到影響大多數 傳產業管理之演進,故各國對於汽車工業的發展,竭盡所能的予以保護。而國內的汽車 產業發展至今也將近有50年的歷史,尤其近年將朝向兩岸三通方向發展,國內汽車產 業更面臨三通開放後的競爭壓力,故汽車產業的變化對傳統業經營策略的影響也日趨重 要。如何因應多變化的產業環境,是汽車產業相關研究重要的課題,針對汽車產業物流 研究,可以了解帶動產業競爭的影響,而經銷商物流資訊管理系統的運作探討,可以提 供後學者研究與開發新的物流管理系統。從汽車產業角度深入汽車公司運作,了解從製 造廠到經銷商之間,對於物流資訊管理與物流管理運作之探討實有其必要性。


Science and technology, after entering 21st century, can reflect the advantage brought in fast circulation of information, work and rest in life that fictitious information decides us gradually too. And the food, clothing, living, walking now closely linked with life are due to the influence of the scientific and technological function of the information even more, visit scientific and technological convenience that civilization produce and supply link especially, full of more article circulate the shade of operation everywhere, so logistics use and it manages to be life essential a part already. And the logistics according with enterprise's operation function even more is managed, has already made a profit and transformed an important ring for enterprises really. Enterprises vie each other and cooperate with cooperative partner's manufacturer in order to ask for the largest profit with managing continuously forever, in order to the category as managing continuously forever, and look for enterprises and manage and improve the key competitive power from it. Whole operation benefit which enterprises pay attention to in management, on appearing overall planning in information and using, do for now between management and tactics study and key element that use. The auto industry creates the traditional industry's ecology, it contains the range and includes all industries and service trades, the production and selling of the spare part, extend the motive force that the industry survives especially. The automobile industry drives traditional industry's survival and development, play the gradual progress influencing the great majority to spread the management of industry, so various countries, to the development of the auto industry, the ones that tried one's best gave protection. And domestic automobile industry is it have a history of 50 years nearly too so far to develop, especially in recent years towards develop toward two sides' three direct links, the domestic competition pressure after facing the three direct links open even more of automobile industry, so the impact on management tactics of the traditional family property of change of the automobile industry is important day by day. Industry environment changed more how to answer, it is the important subject of relevant research of automobile industry, study to the logistics of automobile industry, can understand that drive the influence of industry's competition, the operation discussion of and distributor's logistics information management system, a scholar study and develop the new logistics administrative system after can offering. Deepen the operation of motor corporation in terms of automobile industry, understanding from factory to the distributors, there are its necessities in fact in discussions managing operation to logistics information management and logistics.


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8. 張瑞珠,企業導入供應鏈管理系統之研究,中原大學資訊管理研究所碩士論
12. 黃正淡,台灣汽車產業物流系統特性之探討,民國九十一年。
2. 王賢榮,資產特用性及依賴程度對供應商加入供應鏈管理系統專案影響之研
10. 陳俐頻 ,整合供應鏈管理對顧客服務、顧客價值與廠商績效之影響,大同大
