  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study on the Logistic System of the Taiwanese Automotive Industries

指導教授 : 黃惠民


本研究的目的,主要因應台灣汽車產業,在加入世界貿易組織(WTO)後,面臨市場開放及全球化競爭之衝擊下,汽車產業為求永續經營,不斷引進新的經營理念,以供應鏈管理創造新的價值鏈,透過卓越的物流作業系統,提高物流運作效率,以降低總物流成本,提高競爭優勢。 本研究內容分為四個部份︰第一部份是探討汽車製造業的供應鏈管理系統,並進一步了解其物流與資訊流之運作現況;第二部份是針對兩大代表車廠之資訊系統架構及資訊系統之運作方式作一探討,以了解訂單、交貨及驗收資訊流之運作情形;第三部份是在探討汽車製造業之外部物流系統,針對國內某大汽車製造業所有協力廠商之零組件運送方式,作全數問卷調查與分析,找出目前的零組件運送方式;第四部份是在探討汽車製造業的內部物流系統方面,針對兩大代表車廠之收料作業、供料、補料作業及庫存管理方面作分析比較,找出其間之優劣點。 綜合上述研究目的及內容,本研究藉由兩大生產系統代表性之汽車製造公司的個案研究,透過問卷調查及深度訪談之方式,將所收集之資料作綜合討論與標竿分析,得出本研究的結論︰ 1.汽車製造廠與零組件協力廠商間建立堅強的夥伴關係, 以強化供應鏈體系。 2.中衛體系間建置穩堅的資訊系統與快速的資訊流,以提 昇物流績效。 3.策略聯盟模式興起,中心組裝廠與第三者專業物流業者 策略聯盟運送零組件方式之導入,以提昇企業之競爭優 勢。 4.運用同步化物流系統之「SMART制度」,來做內部物流 之供料、補料之機制,使達到同步化物流之目標。 5.運用JIT即時化生產系統之「看板制度」,來作零組件 交貨資訊,以小批量多頻度的交貨方式,降低物料庫存 成本,使達到及時生產之理想目標。


A Comparative Study on the Logistic System of the Taiwanese Automotive Industries. Student : J.D.Huang Advisor : H.M.Wee Industrial Engineering Department Chung-Yuan Christian University ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to consider the impact of open market and global competition of Taiwanese automotive industries after WTO entry. In order to be competitive, every company should adopt new management philosophy. One of the areas the industries can improve themselves is through the supply chain management. Performance can be improved through logistics and cost reduction strategies. This thesis consists of four parts. The first part discusses the supply chain management system of two automobile manufacturers to understand the current operational status of material and information flow. The second part discusses the current information system and operational methods for two of the main automobile manufacturers in Taiwan, so as to understand the information flow from material ordering to delivering and then receiving. In the third part, the external logistic of the local automobile manufacturers is investigated; we focus on the transportation method of fabricated components. The investigation is conducted through the questionnaire survey for all of the first tier components suppliers on the their current status. In the last part, the internal logistics of two of the main automobile manufacturers are discussed. The strengths and weaknesses are analyzed and compared in their receiving operation, material replenishment and inventory management. Through benchmarking analysis, 5 important recommendations are derived from the above study. 1.Establish stronger partnership among automobile manufacturers and component suppliers to promote supply chain management. 2.Adopt advanced information technology and robust information system as well as fast information flow to promote material flow performance. 3.Because of the advantage in strategic alliance, the fabricated components transportation should be handled by third-party logistics. 4.Use "SMART" system for internal logistics to achieve the objective of synchronous material flow. 5.Use "Kan-ban" system for the fabricated components delivery to achieve JIT objective.


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