  • 學位論文


The use of DPSIR framework and Life Cycle Assessment to explore the sustainable strategies of Solar Energy Industry

指導教授 : 郭財吉 黃博滄


因應世界各國為減少化石燃料等非再生資源使用量及降低溫室效應等對環境造成的迫害,全球太陽能模組產業隨之蓬勃發展,近年來我國政府也致力於太陽能產業之規範與推行,依照此趨勢,太陽能模組生產量勢必上升,但對於產業環境永續發展面向而言,該產業目前面臨的問題與其中之相關性為何?以及製造過程中所投入的資源與物料對環境造成的危害為何?故從各面向進行探討改善將成為眼下相當重要的課題。   本研究為探討目前太陽能模組產業所面臨之問題及趨勢,依照歐盟所提出之DPSIR模型架構,利用文獻蒐集及專家評估來建置太陽能模組產業相關指標,嘗試從指標中探討重要之問題面向。接著採用生命週期評估概念並以IPCC 2013 GWP 500a及ILCD 2011 Midpoint等方法學計算、比較國內數家單晶及銅銦鎵硒(CIGS)太陽能模組製造商之碳足跡以及14項環境足跡,並利用生命週期分析、熱點分析及敏感度分析等方法探討各製造商產品對環境造成衝擊的重要因素為何?進而將結果反饋於建立的指標中之細項,同時整理出衝擊影響較高,需優先處理及重視之項目,以提供太陽能產業與各製造商參考決策、改善方向,進而達到設計、製造改善及減少環境迫害之目標,如物料的替換、各項目衝擊量之評估計算等等。


In response to the persecution caused by fossil fuels and other non-renewable resources and the reduction of the greenhouse effect on the environment, the global solar module industry has developed vigorously. In recent years, the government has also committed to the regulation and implementation of the solar industry. The trend is that solar module production is bound to rise, but for the sustainable development of the industrial environment, what are the current problems facing the industry and how are they related? And what is the harm to the environment caused by the resources and materials invested in the manufacturing process? Therefore, to discuss and improve from all aspects will become a very important issue at present.   In order to discuss the current problems and trends facing the solar module industry, this study uses the literature collection and expert evaluation to build the relevant indicators of the solar module industry according to the DPSIR model framework proposed by the European Union, and attempts to discuss important issues from the indicators. Then use the concept of life cycle assessment and use IPCC 2013 GWP 500a and ILCD 2011 Midpoint to calculate and compare the carbon footprint and 14 environmental footprints of several domestic single crystal and copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) solar module manufacturers. Using life cycle analysis, hot spot analysis, and sensitivity analysis to discuss the important factors of the impact of various manufacturers products on the environment? Furthermore, the results are feedback to the detailed items in the established indicators, and at the same time sort out the projects with high impact impact and requiring priority treatment and attention, so as to provide the solar industry and various manufacturers with reference to decision-making and improvement directions, so as to achieve design, manufacturing improvement and The goals of reducing environmental persecution, such as the replacement of materials, the evaluation and calculation of the impact of each project, etc


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