  • 學位論文


Marketing Strategies Combined Traditional Brick-and-Mortar Channel with Virtual Channel: The Case of Taiwanese Tea Industry.

指導教授 : 李正文


本研究以傳統產業茶業為例,因茶葉在虛擬網路商店銷售現況仍有困境,消費者在網路買茶葉有一定的顧慮。本研究欲探討以行銷策略應用在實體與虛擬的結合,達到相輔相成,解決茶農的困境。 本研究以「網路商店行銷活動」、「顧客信任」與「網路商店服務行為」及「購買行為」四部份之關係及影響因素作討論。以提供茶農或茶商能在競爭的虛擬網路通路,找到適合的方向及策略成功的經營網路商店,虛實皆能服務消費者。 本論文研究方式採問卷調查,共取得306 份有效問卷,以敘述性統計分析、信效度分析、 因素分析、相關分析、單因子變異數分析,由以上的分析將資料作研究分析及獲得假設驗證。 由研究得知,此四部份「網路商店行銷活動」、「顧客信任」與「網路商店服務行為」及「購買行為」皆有相關性,虛擬消費族群對於網路商店的行銷活動及服務行為皆相當重視。網路商店行銷活動對於顧客購買行為會受顧客信任程度而有差異,也就是網路商店若只著重於行銷活動,商店整體的表現並未能讓顧客信任,及致於影響到顧客購買。 傳統產業茶葉並非只侷限於實體通路,虛擬網路商店經營方式、行銷策略及自有品牌的推廣皆是關鍵,虛擬要經營長久也並非容易,虛實整合已是多數企業經營的重點,對於傳統產業更是需要學習及用心經營,能成功達到虛實整合才是企業長久生存之計。


This paper studies marketing strategies of Taiwanese tea industry. Since consumers have some concerns about buying tea leaf through internet, selling tea leaf online remains challenging. This paper discusses the effect of using the real distribution entities coupled with online shops to solve the tea farmer’s problems. This study explores the relationships of four major elements that are virtual (online) shop marketing, customer confidence, virtual (online) shop services and purchasing behaviors. They all have influence on the transaction of the tea industry. The main purpose is to find a proper direction and a successful competitive strategy in the competitive online environment. Therefore, companies could reach their customers through both real distribution entities and online channels. A questionnaire survey was conducted for this research. There are total 306 valid samples used in the analysis. Descriptive statistics analysis, reliability and validity analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, ANOVA are used to analyze data and verify the hypotheses. This study found that correlations are existed among four elements. Specifically, online shoppers emphasize on marketing activities and services of virtual (online) shops, and purchasing behaviors are affected by shops’ marketing activities as well as the customers’ confidence toward the shops. Traditional tea industry should not limit its sales only through brick-and-mortar channel. Utilizing virtual channel, marketing strategy, and promotion of own brand is the key factor of the tea industry. To survive and succeed in the competitive environment, many enterprises have been using both virtual channels together with Brick-and-Mortar. It is not easy to run business through virtual channels, especially for traditional industries, they have to work harder and learn new strategies and management approaches. Putting both brick-and-mortar channel and virtual channel into practice is proved a way to grow for enterprises.


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張勻嘉(2013)。臺日茶產業行銷策略研究 ─以天仁茗茶與伊藤園為例〔碩士論文,國立臺中科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6826/NUTC.2013.00088
