  • 學位論文


Personal Character and Background of Salesperson on the Cognition of Motivation Scheme

指導教授 : 王如鈺 丁姵元


論文摘要 由於目前企業的業務部門所注重的行銷績效,是運用各種行銷方法所獲得的各項營業數字,以做為評估業務人員行銷績效的表現結果。可是當大家都在追求這些數字時,部份的企業卻忽略了「人格特質」、「背景」與「激勵誘因」的基本因素,而此三項對企業長期營運而言,可謂影響深遠。 基於上述,本研究採用五大人格特質(Big Five)做為「人格特質」的理論依據,其中包括外向性、親和力、責任性、情緒穩定、對經驗的開放為自變項。在業務人員「背景」方面,經參考相關文獻後,萃取出性別、年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況、職級、服務年資、工作年資、業務經驗、每月所得〔台幣〕、個人收入佔家中收入之比例、地區為自變項。另,本研究採用Greenberg & Liebman(1990)依制度所能滿足的需求層次不同,做為「激勵誘因」的理論依據,分為物質型報酬,能滿足個人的生存需求;社會型報酬,能滿足對人際關係和受人尊重的需求;活動型報酬,能滿足成就感和自我成長的需求。 本研究係採問卷調查法,以電子業之業務人員為研究對象,問卷發放方式主要分為三大途徑:從事電子業業務工作者的問卷預試、2009台北國際電子展(Taipei International Electronics Show )及無線射頻應用展(Taiwan RFID)、透過某筆記型電腦製造商之來訪供應商業務填寫之方式完成此次的問卷調查。總計有效樣本數為215份。 本研究以SPSS統計軟體進行實證分析,其結論如下: 1. 具備不同「背景」之業務人員,對激勵誘因之重視程度會有不同。 (1). 年齡不同之業務人員,對激勵誘因之重視程度不同。 (2). 教育程度不同之業務人員,對激勵誘因之重視程度不同。 (3). 婚姻狀況不同之業務人員,對激勵誘因之重視程度不同。 (4). 職位不同之業務人員,對激勵誘因之重視程度不同。 (5). 不同服務年資之業務人員,對激勵誘因之重視程度不同。 (6). 不同個人收入佔家中收入比例之業務人員,對激勵誘因之重視程度不同。 (7). 地區不同之業務人員,對激勵誘因之重視程度不同。 2. 不同「人格特質」特徵之業務人員,對不同方式的激勵誘因重視程度具顯著差異。 3. 隸屬不同「人格特質」分群之業務人員,對不同方式的激勵誘因重視程度具顯著差異。 關鍵字:人格特質、背景、激勵制度、激勵誘因、業務人員


Abstracts Currently business unit of an enterprise often emphasizes on its marketing performance; various marketing strategies are applied to gain sales figures and use them as the norm of evaluating salesperson’s marketing performance. While everyone is chasing these figures, some enterprises have neglected the fundamental factors of “personality traits”, “background” and “Motivations”, which will make great impact on enterprise’s long-term operation. Based on the above statement, this research applies Big Five as the basis of the “personality traits” theory, including independent variables of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience. In the area of salesperson’s “Background”, after reviewing related literatures, sex, age, level of education, marital status, occupation, years of service, business experience, monthly earning (NTD), percentage of personal income in total household income and area are extracted as independent variables. In addition, this research adopted Greenberg & Liebman’s theory (1990), which takes that the demand levels met by the system varies as the basis of the “Motivation” theory, to categorize remuneration into types of material-based remuneration to fulfill individual survival needs; community-based remuneration to satisfy the needs for inter-personal relationships and being respected, as well as activity-based remuneration to implement the needs for accomplishment and self development. The research is conducted by questionnaire survey, research object limits to the salesperson working in electronics industry. There are three major channels to distribute the questionnaire: pre-test questionnaire of the salesperson in electronics industry, 2009 Taipei International Electronics Show and Taiwan FRID show. The survey was completed by inviting the salesperson of a notebook manufacture’s suppliers to fill out the questionnaire. Total number of effective sample is 215. The research is processed by empirical analysis with SPSS statistic software and conclusion is as below: 1. The level of appreciation to motivations varies for salesperson with different “Background” (1) The level of appreciation to motivations varies for salesperson at different ages. (2) The level of appreciation to motivations varies for salesperson at different levels of education. (3) The level of appreciation to motivations varies for salesperson at different marital status. (4) The level of appreciation to motivations varies for salesperson in different position. (5) The level of appreciation to motivations varies for salesperson with different years of service. (6) The level of appreciation to motivations varies for salesperson holding different percentage of personal income in total household income. (7) The level of appreciation to motivations varies for salesperson in different area. 2. The level of appreciation to different types of motivations varies significantly for salesperson with different “Personal Traits”. 3. The level of appreciation to different types of motivations varies significantly for salesperson belongs to different “Personal Traits” groups. Keywords: personal traits, background, motivation scheme, motivations, salesperson


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