  • 學位論文


Service learning and community empowerment:the action study of Jincheng street of Bade City Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 黃慶輝




In order to promote teaching achievements and recruit students, more than twenty interior design departments organize design exhibitions before the graduate ceremony. These exhibitions also encourage students’ creativity, and to improve their capacities of design process as well as design thinking. Different from other universities, since 2011, the final year class of the Interior Design Department of Chung Yuan University has established a service learning team in the Bade Jincheng community. The teams built their design concepts by combining service learning and community empowerment. The design process of social learning is seldom mentioned in the study scopes of service learning, community empowerment, or design and build. How the three service learning teams completed the design forms of social service in the Bade Jincheng community? How the construction processes were transformed into knowledge? The purpose of this research is first to interpret construction products based on the core characteristics of the service learning. Secondly, this study investigates the executive framework of service learning in terms of cohering local people’s conscious of community empowerment. Thirdly, this research reflects upon the implementing knowledge and social experiences of participant students in the service learning. Finally, in terms of usefulness, this research analyzes local people’s opinions about the construction products. Methodology of this study was the action research which used participant observation, interview, and literature review as methods of data collection. The findings of this study indicate that the design outcomes of the service teams conform to the core characteristics of service learning, except social justice. The results point out that the framework better for the implementing process is consisted of working items, four phases and variants of service learning, as well as the design process of interior design. This study also identifies five key elements for acquiring knowledge and experiences in the service learning: design, construction, communication, teamwork, and overcome difficulties. The local people participates reconstruction of public space more than that of the private residence. Therefore, this research suggests the future construction should focus on the public ones, which will enhance the qualities of community empowerment.


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