  • 學位論文


The Study of the Relationship between Employees' Work-Family Conflicts and Retention in hospitality industry

指導教授 : 郭德賓


以往的研究指出餐旅產業具有工作排班之高度不穩定性及薪資獎酬之低度競爭性(Ghiselli, La Lopa & Bai, 2001),而多數餐旅從業人員更需經常犧牲與家相處的時間,長時間地投入工作,形成高度之「工作-家庭衝突(work-family conflict, WFC)」。因此,本研究引用Higgins, Duxbury & Irving(1992)所提出的工作家庭模組為基礎,並結合Frone, Russell & Cooper(1992)的工作-家庭衝突模組將工作-家庭衝突區分為,「工作-家庭衝突」和「家庭-工作衝突」兩種類型,以高雄地區六間國際觀光旅館為例,使用線性結構(SEM)驗證餐飲從業人員工作-家庭衝突與留任意願之間的關係。研究結果發現:(1)六家旅館餐飲從業人員的工作壓力、家庭投入/壓力、工作/家庭衝突、工作對家庭/家庭對工作的衝突皆呈現普通的情況。(2)餐飲從業人員的留任意願會受到工作-家庭衝突的負向影響,家庭-工作衝突則無顯著影響果。(3)不同旅館別的員工在留任意願上有顯著差異。(4)不同的年齡、年資、教育程度、家庭狀況、每月所得、畢業科系的員工在留任意願上有顯著差異。


Previous studies have pointed out that Hospitality industry has higher instable work scheduling and low pay competition.Therefore, most of employees need to sacrifice time with their family to get along and to work long hours to form a high degree of work and family conflicts. Therefore, this study adopted a framework as a base addressed by Higgins, Duxbury & Irving, (1992) and combines a framework which divide work-family conflicts zone into work-family and family-work conflicts addressed by Frone, Russell & Cooper (1992). This study adopted six international tourist hotels in Kaohsiung area as an example and used SEM to verfity relationships between work-family conflicts and retention of employees. The results showed that: (1) Hospitality of hotel employees’ work pressure, family input / pressure, work / family conflict, work to the family / family to work conflict problems are presented ordinary circumstances. (2) The employees’ will remains are negative influenced on the working - the family conflict, and there was no significant impact on the family - working conflict. (3) Different types of hotels have significant differences on retention. (4) Different age, years of service, education, family status, monthly income, graduated department have significant differences retention.


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李 青(2011)。家長式領導、工作滿足與留任意願關係之研究 -以臺灣國際觀光旅館為例〔碩士論文,國立高雄餐旅大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6825/NKUHT.2011.00015
