  • 學位論文


Exploring the Implementation of Overseas Internship System in Hospitality College

指導教授 : 徐昌慧


本研究旨在瞭解餐旅技專校院海外實習制度的實施成效、探討不同背景變項餐旅技專校院學生對海外實習制度實施成效之間的關係情形、研提餐旅技專校院實施海外實習制度之綜合建議供相關單位參考。研究者自編「技專校院餐旅群海外實習制度實施成效問卷」為量化研究工具,以滾雪球抽樣法調查16所技專校院餐旅群曾參與海外實習經驗的在學學生對學校海外實習制度與實施成效情形;並輔以立意抽樣法選取5位具有辦理海外實習業務經驗之餐旅群教師進行質性訪談,綜整獲致研究結果。 本研究將海外實習制度分為「行政配套」、「課程規劃」、「學生輔導」及「學習成果」等四個構面,研究結果發現;學校並未嚴格規定申請學生的語言能力等相關資格條件、海外實習企業並不重視我國餐旅相關專業證照、大部份辦理海外實習之業務單位為各系所、多數學校並未申請到政府相關單位的補助經費、海外實習課程多以「自願」為主,並非強制參與、海外實習職務相當多元、學校要求海外實習生繳交實習報告次數以6個月一次居多、海外企業之輔導人員主要透過閒暇時間輔導實習生、實習生並未於回國後積極參語文能力檢定、多數實習生畢業後前往國外發展之意願高。 本研究主要結論包括建立嚴謹的海外實習行前作業、爭取更多的海外實習學習機會及改善後續的海外實習行政作業。最後,針對學校、相關單位、學生及家長均分別提出三項建議:未來則可將普通大學餐旅群學生納入調查、比較普通大學與技專校院海外實習制度之運作、深入進行個案研究,更進一步探討此議題。


餐旅教育 海外實習


The objectives of this paper are 1) to understand the implementation of overseas internship system in hospitality and tourism colleges, 2) to investigate the implementation effectiveness of the different background variables of overseas internship students, 3) to conclude the research result and provide the comprehensive suggestions for related organizations. The researcher designed the questionnaires named “Overseas internship system implementation effectiveness in hospitality and tourism colleges”. It used snowball sampling and aims to the students who have the experience of overseas internship in Taiwan 16 hospitality and tourism colleges. The study also used purposive sampling to choose 5 teachers who are from different colleges and have the experience of handling overseas internship administration to conduct interview. The study distinguished the overseas internship system to four dimensions. There are 1) administrative support, 2) curriculum planning, 3) student guidance, and 4) learning outcomes. The research results discovered: 1) the colleges do not strictly apply for student’s language skills and other relevant qualifications, 2) overseas internship companies do not attach importance to our hospitality and tourism professional licenses, 3) most of the college administration unit of handling overseas internship is “each department” self-contact, 4) there are still many colleges didn’t apply to the relevant funding from related government agencies, 5) students usually enroll the overseas internship course with “voluntary” based, 6) overseas internship positions are quite diverse, 7) the colleges require the students to submit the internship report once every 6 months, 8) overseas enterprises usually guidance the overseas internship students by leisure time talking, 9) most of overseas internship students do not exam their languages skill after they back to Taiwan, and 10) lots of internship students want to work abroad after they graduate. Based on the findings, the study makes the conclusion into three parts, there are 1) to establish the rigorous overseas operation before students go aboard, 2) to attract more overseas internship learning opportunities and 3) to improve the overseas internship subsequent administration works. Finally, the research follows the results and aims to the colleges, relate units, students and their parents to give several suggestions. Moreover, the research expects the follow-up study could 1) investigate the overseas internship in ordinary university, 2) compare the study between colleges and university, and 3) use completely qualitative research with more in-depth study of this issue.


