  • 學位論文


Investigation of the marketing strategy effect on hotel room revenue

指導教授 : 葉家瑜


近年觀光熱潮加溫,旅館業者成為最直接受惠產業,從觀光局公布的2013年來台旅客消費及動向調查統計,旅館內消費高達三成以上。而為維持台灣合法住宿的品質,觀光局在2010年底建立與實施「星級評鑑」標章認證,針對旅宿業的軟硬體進行評鑑與把關。在旅館產業面臨廣大市場的不同需求之下,其經營策略必須因應市場變動做許多機動性的調整,本研究基於營收管理(revenue management)之架構,使用觀光局所公佈之2011年至2014年共109家台灣觀光旅館的年度營運資料進行追蹤資料(panel data)迴歸模型分析,分析客房收入的關鍵影響因素,其中定價策略為營收管理之重要因素,然而住房價格除了會影響住房率外也反映出旅館設施與服務成本,導致模型變數間產生內生性的問題,因此本研究使用「星級評鑑」指標表現旅館整體之軟硬體服務水準,作為住房價格的工具變數,以修正模型之內生性偏誤。 本研究結果發現,住房價格、房間數與住房率明顯正向影響客房收入,顯示高價及規模較大的觀光旅館仍有較高的營收,而增加住房率的策略仍是有效增加營收的關鍵,故旅館業者必須正確使用營收管理來控制空房率與調整住房價格;然而,節慶日對客房收入有負向影響,國定休假日、寒暑假與季節則無顯著影響,可能因為旅館業者多在旺季利用促銷提升住房率反而產生侵蝕營收的情形,另外也表示台灣觀光旅館的住房收入穩定,無明顯的淡旺季區分,區域性的結果也顯示旅館的地理位置並非消費者主要考量因素。此估計架構可提供業者未來設計相關行銷活動的參考,並思考如何發展高附加價值的住房,才能創造更大的營收。


In recent years, the tourism in Taiwan has experienced continuing growth and become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world. Tourism has a strong influence on the hotel industries. According to the Annual Survey Report on Visitors Expenditure and Trends in Taiwan in 2013, more the 30% of the trip expenditure are spent on hotel lodging by each inbound visitors. To further improve the tourism quality, Taiwan Tourism Bureau created a star rating system for hotel industries in 2011 to provide information about the hotels with official warranty. This study bases on the revenue management framework to analyze the marketing strategies of hotel business. The revenue generated from room sales is focused here and is expected to be mainly affected by the room price, as well as the room occupation rate. This study collects the operational data of 109 hotels from 2011 to 2014 and develops a panel data model for analysis. Since the room price can be highly related to occupation rate, the endogeneity problem caused by the highly correlation among explanatory variables is resulted in this revenue model. Because higher room price is mostly due to higher costs of facilities and service provision for higher quality which can be directly reflected by star rating, the instrumental variable of star rating is then used for the variable of the room price and estimated by the random effect-G2SLS and random effect-EC2SLS to correct the bias of model endogeneity. The results of this study find that room rate, number of rooms and room occupation rate are significant factors for room revenue. However, "festival days" is negatively significant. Neither geographic factors nor seasonality are significant factors on room revenue. Proper marketing strategy brings economic benefits and customer image for hotels, and therefore the hoteliers should utilize strategies effectively.


陳江明、葉家瑜,2012,「探討不確定住房需求對旅館成本結構之影響:台灣國際觀光旅館之實證研究」,應用經濟論叢,92 期
陳家瑜、邱千芸,2006,「國際觀光旅館公共關係運作之探討」,餐旅暨家政學刊第三卷第四期,Journal of Hospitality and Home Economics, Vol.3, No.4, 535-553。
