  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林育瑋


論文摘要 國內已有許多有關教師工作壓力方面的研究,但是大多數是以國中小老師為研究對象,且以量化研究為主。本研究採取質性研究取向,以一位私立高職幼兒保育科教師為研究參與者,探討私立高職教師的工作壓力來源、影響私立高職老師工作壓力的因素、以及私立高職老師面對工作壓力的因應策略。 在研究過程中,研究者以訪談及文件分析等方式收集資料,就所收集的資料進行整理、歸納與分析。本研究獲致以下結論: 一、私立高職幼兒保育科老師在學校方面的工作壓力,分別來自於學校制度不健全、工作權限認知的差距、教學態度的落差及人際互動的瓶頸等方面較大。本研究中研究參與者以同事間人際互動感受到的壓力最大;在個人方面的壓力是以生活環境的不適應、個人心境的失調和完美主義的效應上倍感壓力。其中要求完美的人格特質是造成研究參與者工作壓力的最主要原因。 二、影響工作壓力的因素甚多,本研究發現,學校的體制、教育政策的變動、個人的人格特質等是主要影響研究參與者工作壓力的因素。 三、面對這些工作壓力時,透過探究壓力的來源並加以排除、提高工作的效率、選擇適當的休閒活動及維持良好的人際關係等策略,能有效地降低老師的工作壓力,進而提高教學的品質,並發展各校的教學特色。 根據研究結果,研究者提出可以降低私立高職幼兒保育科老師工作壓力的可行性建議,提供師資培育單位、幼兒保育科單位及教師個人等三方面參考;另外也提出有關老師壓力的研究方向,供未來研究者之參考。 關鍵字:私立高職老師、工作壓力、幼兒保育科、壓力因應策略


Abstract There are numerous research related to the working stress of teachers, but most of the research are about primary and junior high school teachers. Moreover, the method applied is usually quantitative approach. This study adopts qualitative approach and focuses on a teacher of the childcare department in a private vocational high school. It investigates the origin the cause, and the effective strategies to cope with the working stress confronted by a private vocational high school teacher. An interpretative study is adopted in this study. Data are collected through interviews, and documents (personal journals, teaching journal, and so on). One private vocational high school teacher participated in this study. The data are carefully organized, and analyzed. Conclusions based on the study are as follows. 1. The working stress of the study participant comes from the defectiveness of school system, differences in perception of labor duties, gaps on the teaching attitude and bottleneck in human interaction. Among the origins of working stress mentioned above, the difficulty in human interaction results in the greatest pressure. As for personal level, the teacher’s pressure is from the failure to adapt herself to the environment the mood disorder, and perfectionism, which enforces the most pressure on the teacher. 2.This study claims that there are some important factors that might influence teachers’ working pressure, among the major ones are the system of the school, the changeable educational policies, and personal characteristics. 3.The effective strategies to cope with working stress are: inquiring and removing the cause of the stress, being more efficient at work, adopting appropriate recreation activities, and maintaining good relationships with co-workers. All of the strategies would facilitate the quality of education and help develop the characteristics of the school. This study proposes several practical suggestions to reduce working pressure for reference of institutions for teacher education, childcare department, teachers, and future research on this field. Keyword: private vocational high school teacher, working stress, childcare department, coping stress strategy.




