  • 學位論文


The Effect of Instantaneous speed Change Training on Baseball Players’Pitching Velocity and Muscle Strength of Upper Limbs

指導教授 : 方進隆




Purposes: The purposes of this study were to investigate the acute effects of Instantaneous Speed Change Training (ISCT) on pitching velocity (PV) and the effects of 6-weeks ISCT on PV and muscle strength of upper limbs. Methods: There were 30 university baseball players were recruited as the subjects for this study and received both Ballistic Training (BT) and ISCT 5 time with fastest speed to investigate the immediate training effect. In the 6-week training, 16 university team baseball players were recruited and randomly assigned to BT and ISCT groups and received 3 days per week, 4 sets each day, 15 times each set of training. The BT was conducted by pitching motion loaded weight 10 pound of bar pieces, and the subjects of ISCT pitched over 10 pounds bar pieces attached with two NdFeB magnets for causing instantaneous speed change as the strength of throwing arm exceed over the magnetic resistance. All the subjects were asked to receive the PV and related variable measurements before and after immediate or 6-week training. All the data were analyzed with dependent-t, Independent-t and ANCOVA for comparisons. Results: The average PV, the fastest PV, the instantaneous tension and acceleration of immediate ISCT were significantly improved and higher than that of BT (P<.05). After 6 week of ISCT, average PV, fastest PV, muscle isokinetic strength of shoulder were significantly improved and higher than that of BT (p<.05), while the fastest PV of BT was significantly increased (P<.05). Conclusions: The results indicated that the immediate ISCT and 6-week ISCT have positive effects on PV; the training effects are better than those of the BT.


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