  • 學位論文


Canons and Chinese American Literature in the Anthology of American Literature after 1960s

指導教授 : 王秀惠


本論文所欲研究的是華裔美國文學在民權運動後是如何蓬勃發展。尤其從題材、內容到美國文學選集的選擇上如何呈現與反映當時的訴求?少數族裔,特別是華人作家對黑人民權運動有何省思,以及到底哪些作品被歸類與收錄並視之為華美文學經典作品。 隨著民權運動興起,美國社會為了體現當代美國文化的多元性,在各個少數族裔選取特定作家與其作品為代表。此舉一方面是要呈現給社會關於美國的多元自由化;另一方面是被選的作家與作品是投合大眾所好,該族群之異文化正好是他們所希望看到的以及所想要瞭解的。當美國社會對於湯亭亭、譚恩美等作家與其作品大表歡迎並視為「經典性」時,其背後有哪些因素特質值得我們深入分析,而經典對於華美文學發展的侷限性又是什麼。顯現本文在研究這些華美文學議題時,試著從民權運動和華人歷史脈絡分析族裔歷史如何影響文學寫作的發展。 本論文分析民權運動之後,美國文學選集是如何收錄少數族裔作家與其作品,並視之為經典。本篇以三份美國文學選集為主要研究文本,分別是:《諾頓美國文學選集》、《希斯美國文學選集》與《Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama》。文中發現華美文學作家與作品的收錄具有侷限性。在這三冊美國文學選集之中,華裔作家收錄大多重複,較少廣泛納入各時代裡具有代表性的作家與其作品。除了收錄人數不足之外,收錄篇章也難脫既定的範圍,使得這些作家的其他不同題材作品皆沒有被納入討論。隨著移民法案的通過,大批華人作家進入美國文壇,豐富了寫作風格與題材。但何以這批作家依舊鮮少進入正規的美國文學選集之中。這些不足與爭議處並沒有隨著再版而修正,使得華美文學在美國文學選集中難脫偏好特定作家與特定題材的嫌疑,讓人質疑其經典性。


In the movement of Civil Rights, American government tried to embrace multi-cultures. With the aim to show off how freedom they could offered to newcomers and sojourners, to reinforce the image of multi-cultures, to let the readers to understand more about these mythical ethnic groups, and to conform with the stereotype of the Orientalism, American anthology editors select some typical writers and his/her works as representative of their ethnic groups. The most typical writers who reflected the concept of multi-cultures advocated by American government were Maxine Hong Kingston, Amy Tan, and the like. Their works were welcomed and treated as canons with the implications of certain political motivation. Three well-known American anthologies were selected as research texts, including: The Norton Anthology of American Literature, The Heath Anthology of American Literature, and Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. The present study found out how these anthologies selected minority writers and works, how those writers and works could be considered as canons, and how the ethnic history influenced the literary writing. This study also discussed the development of three pieces of American literatures after the movement of Civil Rights, with an analysis on the influence of the movements on topics, contents, and anthologies, as well as on the minority role of Chinese American writers. From these anthologies, this study found that there were no significant of its revision in selecting writers and works. Furthermore, the themes and topics followed a same pattern. Finally, with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, many Chinese writers immigrated to USA, yet, their works were excluded by American anthology editors. The favoring in particular writers and works leads lots of researchers questioning how these works and writers could be treated as canons.


雪莉‧費許‧費雪金(Shelly Fisher Fishkin)著、蔡昀伶譯(2006)‧跨國美國研究與亞洲的交會。中外文學(1),35,87-119。
Lai, Him Mark, Genny Lim, & Judy Yang:Poetry and History of Chinese immigrants on Angel Island 1910~1940 (University of Washington Press, 1980).
