  • 學位論文


A Study of Learning Status on C-grade Computer Software Application Task for Hearing Impaired Students of Vocational High School —For Example with the Data Processing Department of Taipei Municipal HearingImpaired School.

指導教授 : 徐昊杲


隨著時代的進步和資訊的發展,電腦相關的資訊能力普遍受到重視。由於人權的重視,對於聽障者的技能與職業訓練,漸漸受到考慮配合聽障者的職業技能選擇特質。選擇適合從事具有技術性、與獨立性的工作需求。透過技能檢定取得執照。不僅代表個人能力的自我肯定,亦是尋求工作機會的基礎。 本研究旨在瞭解聽障學生在丙級「電腦軟體應用」學習情形,其學習的狀況與困難,並探討影響聽障學生學習「電腦軟體應用」因素為何。 為達上述目的,本研究採質化研究進行,以訪談方式,配合參與觀察法,使用自編之「高職聽障學生在丙級『電腦軟體應用』學習情形之研究」之訪談問卷,進行研究蒐集資料,本研究主要以台北市啟聰學校資訊處理科學生為研究對象。 本研究主要結果與發現如下: 一、師生互動強調綜合溝通法。 二、聽障學生對於計算及抽象概念感覺困難。 三、中文輸入法使用倉頡輸入法。 四、聽障學生的英文輸入認知能力不足。 五、高職聽障學生,語言文字之閱讀,理解與表達,比同年齡聽力正常學生較為低落。 六、高職聽覺障礙學生著重運用記憶幫助學習。 七、聽覺障礙學生遇到挫敗,常常會裹足不前,不敢嘗試。 八、在丙級「電腦軟體」檢定測驗,聽障學生感覺術科比學科困難。 九、高職聽覺障礙學生重視職業證照之取得,認為其有利於升學或就業之準備。 本研究之建議如下: 一、可在學校內設立檢定考場,外聘兼評委員,來校襄試。 二、技能檢定時,應增加聽障學生的檢定時間。 三、目前啟聰學校,大部分招收對象為重度、或極重度的聽覺障礙學生,為了有效幫助其學習,應該要降低其班級之上限人數。 關鍵詞:聽覺障礙學生,電腦軟體應用,技能檢定。


Owing to the times progress and develop of computer information, General people paid much attention to the relative ability of computer technique. As a result of respect to human rights, the skill and vocation training of hearing- impaired student must be thinking over to operate in coordination the distinguishing characteristic in vocational techniques individually. They suited the kind of job, which had technicality and was independence in working circumstance. It standed for self-affirmation of individual’s ability to get the certificate of the skill test, and which is essential while looking for a job The purpose of this study will want to search for the learning status on c-grade computer software application task, the status and difficult of learning that is connected with this study. Try to probe into the questions that factors will affect hearing-impaired students to learn the subject of computer software application task. In order to get the purpose. Quality research was adapted to the study, through the method of interview and participating observation. We collected the information and data with the interview questions paper of the study of learning status on c –grade computer software application task for vocational high school hearing-impaired students. Research worker designed the interview paper. The target of interview was the students of the data-processing department of Taipei municipal hearing impaired school. The conclusion for the study was as below: 1. Comprehensive communicate method was emphasized between students and teachers. 2. Counting and abstract concept was difficult for hearing- impaired students. 3. Chung-Jeih input method of Chinese words was used mostly to hearing- impaired students. 4. The disability of English cognitive was general for hearing- impaired students. 5. Reading, understanding and expressing of words was lower display for hearing -impaired students than normal students on the same of ages. 6. The tactic of memory can help hearing-impaired students to learning. 7. It usually withdrawed from the frustration for hearing- impaired students. 8. The skill subject was harder than discipline with c-grade test of computer software application task for hearing- impaired students. 9. Hearing- impaired students paid much attention in the certification of vocational skill, that can help pursue a higher school and get a job. The suggest of this study was on below: 1. To establish a test place in local hearing- impaired school can help hearing-impaired students to take a test on c-grade computer software application task. 2. Prolonging the time of test for hearing-impaired students was useful attending skill test. 3. Reducing the members of class of hearing -impaired school can increase learning effect; as the membership of the class was in the condition of heavy grade or very heavy grade for the student.


李堅萍(民89)。Simpson、Harrow與Goldberger 心理動作領域教育目標分類之比較研究。國立台灣師範大學工業教育研究所博士論文。台北:國家圖書館。
邱上真(民80)。學習策略教學的理論與實際。特殊教育與復健學報, 1-49頁。


