  • 學位論文


Intergenerational Relations toward Attitudes to the Organized System of Long-term Care Services

指導教授 : 林如萍


本研究旨在探討中老年人的個人背景變項、代間關係與長期照護服務體系使用態度三者之關係,以量化研究之問卷調查法進行資料蒐集。依據理論與文獻探討,本研究以「規範連帶」和「功能連帶」來探討代間關係;並將長期照護服務體系區分為「居家式照護」、「社區式照護」、「機構式照護」三大類型。本研究採立意取樣,抽取55歲以上參與台北縣松年大學和台北市長青學苑之中老年人,且育有成年子女,共計取得有效樣本數471份。所得資料以描述性統計、多元迴歸分析、多元階層迴歸分析等統計方法加以分析。主要研究發現如下: 一、受試之中老年人的平均年齡約67歲,教育程度偏高,多為高中職及以上;以與子女、配偶同住居多,僅與配偶同住者次之;而老人經濟主要來源,則以仰賴本人/配偶退休金為主。 二、對於「成年子女的孝道責任期待」主要以情感面和保持聯繫為主;而對於傳統之「婚後與子女同住」觀念,已較不期待。此外,中老年人有宗教信仰、教育程度低、無配偶、與子女同住、經濟來源為子女供給者,其規範連帶較高。 三、與成年子女間存在相互協助之互惠關係,且以情感性支持多於工具性支持。此外,中老年人子女數愈多、與子女同住、經濟來源為子女供給、自覺經濟狀況較佳者,其功能連帶較高。 四、對於日間托老、居家護理和居家服務之使用態度最高,對於安養機構之使用態度最低。 五、教育程度愈高、自覺健康狀況愈差、規範連帶愈低之中老年人,對於居家式照護之使用態度愈高;年齡愈小、自覺健康狀況愈差、規範連帶愈低、功能連帶愈高之中老年人,對於社區式照護之使用態度愈高;年齡愈小、自覺健康狀況愈差、規範連帶愈低之中老年人,對於機構式照護之使用態度愈高。 六、受試之中老年人之教育程度愈高、會透過規範連帶愈低,而使其對於居家式照護、社區式照護、機構式照護之使用態度愈高;有偶者、會透過規範連帶愈低,而使其對於機構式照護之使用態度愈高。 最後,依據研究發現,分別針對中老年人與成年子女、辦理老人教育內容、推動社會福利工作、未來研究四方面提出具體建議。


The purpose of this study is to discuss the older adults’ demographic characteristics, intergenerational relations and the organized system of long-term care services. According to literature review, the study use normative solidarity and functional solidarity to explore the intergenerational relations. According to the location of the organized system of long-term care, they are three sorts of services which are home care, community care and institutional care. The study samples consisted of 55 years older adults, who have join Elderly Colleges, adult child and haven’t disabled. The questionnaire was adopted and administered for this study in order to gather the study data, it takes the method of “purpose sampling” to get the valid questionnaires are 471 older adults. The data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics, including mean and standard deviation, percentage, multiple regression analysis and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The major findings are presented as follows: 1.The older adults’ average age is 67. The majority of the older adults’ was highly homogeneous. Most of them had college or senior high school degrees. Additionally, most of them are living with spouse and adult children. Generally, the older adults are depending on annual payment. 2.The older adults’ main filial piety norms for children are affective supports and keep in touch. On the contrary, they are not expectancy to live with children when they get married. Religion, educational level, marital status, living status and economic status are the most effective factors in the normative solidarity. 3.The older adults and their adult children are reciprocal relations. In addition to, the affective supports are more than instrumental supports. The number of children, living status and economic status are the most effective factors in the functional solidarity. 4.The older adults toward attitudes to the day care center, in home nursing services, home help services are higher than residential homes. 5.Educational level, health status and normative solidarity are the most effective factors in the older adults toward attitudes to the home care. Age, health status, normative solidarity and functional solidarity are the most effective factors in the older adults toward attitudes to the community care. Age, health status, and normative solidarity are the most effective factors in the older adults toward attitudes to the institutional care. 6.Normative solidarity has a mediation effect in the older adults’ educational level toward attitudes to the home care, community care and institutional care. Normative solidarity has a mediation effect in the older adults’ marital status toward attitudes to the institutional care. At last, based on the above findings, some constructional suggestions were made to the old adults and adult children, elder education, social welfare and for the further study.




