  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relations between Students’ Scientific Writing and their Learning Achievement--An Example of Senior High School Sophomores’ Learning the Unit of Seeds Germination.

指導教授 : 楊文金


根據系統功能語言法的觀點,本研究旨在探討學生在觀看科學實驗影片後之科學寫作,進而探討其與學生學科學習成就的相關。 以台北縣某高中二年級三十二位學生為研究對象,在觀察五段不同主題的種子萌發和幼苗生長示範實驗影片後,分別要求學生進行觀察與解釋的科學寫作。科學寫作內容以系統功能語言學的及物性分析為主,並蒐集學生國文科作文和生物科學習成就資料,以描述性、Pearson相關進行分析。研究發現如下: 一、學生撰述的現象與步驟觀察小句數多於解釋部分,而前者僅與國文作文有顯著相關。其次,一個小句平均有0.23個環境成分,平均發生0.78次級轉移,詞彙密度平均值為4.27,其中27%為科學內容詞。 二、在學生寫作中詞彙密度、科學內容詞密度、小句深度僅與生物學習成就達顯著相關。 三、科學寫作中解釋部分的小句等級、級轉移次數、環境成分數與生物學習成就達顯著相關。 最後,根據上述的研究發現討論其於科學教學的意涵,並對後續研究提出相關建議。


Drawing upon the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), this study investigates the features of senior high students’ science writing and its relations with their academic achievement. Thirty-two 11th students participated in this study. Five video clips of “Seeds Germination” were developed as teaching materials. After watching each of the films, students were asked to complete a science writing task by asking them to describe and explain what was observed in the films. The texts produced by students were analyzed in the light of the grammar system of transitivity of SFL. Individual student’s characteristics, including learning achievement in Biology and Chinese Composition were collected. The data was analyzed statistically. Major findings are as the follows: (1) Students paid more attention on describing of experiment phenomenon and procedures other than explaining the experiment phenomenon presented in the films. The former correlated with students’ Chinese composition only. The average amount of circumstantial element in each clause was 0.23, and 0.78 rank-shift phrases were utilized in one clause. The lexical density is 4.27, of which 27% are science content words/phrases. (2) The lexical density, science lexical density, the delicacy of clauses correlated with students’ biology learning achievement only. (3) The average level, the amount of rank-shift, and circumstantial element utilized in explanation of students’ explanation correlated with their biology learning achievement only. According the findings of this study, implications for science teaching were discussed and suggestions for further research were proposed.


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李佳翰(2011)。寫作融入實驗活動 對國中學生的認知與情意影響之研究 ─以空氣單元為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315221615
