  • 學位論文


Effects of different temperature water immersions after strenuous exercise in the rate of lactate removal

指導教授 : 李志文


本研究主要探討不同溫度的水中浸泡,對於高強度運動後產生的乳酸,在移除方面是否有效果。受試對象為經常活動男性12名,平均年齡為33.5±5.3歲;平均身高為172.0±3.7公分;平均體重為69.0±10.1公斤。每位受試者利用腳踏車測功器進行110%VO2max強度,持續2分30秒的高強度運動後,在不同天接受四次不同的恢復方式:(1)靜態恢復;(2)40℃的水中浸泡;(3)25℃的水中浸泡;(4)40℃及25℃的熱冷交替浸泡,並於運動後第6分鐘到第33分鐘之間,每3分鐘抽血一次,並檢驗乳酸值。所有測驗資料使用相依樣本單因子變異數分析統計。結果發現:三種水中浸泡的方式在恢復期各階段的乳酸移除率皆比靜態恢復高,達顯著差異。而三種水中浸泡方式之間,除了25℃的冷水浸泡與熱冷交替浸泡在第9分鐘;25℃的水中浸泡與40℃的水中浸泡在第12分鐘有顯著差異外,其餘各時段並沒有顯著的差異存在。冷水浸泡在乳酸的移除上為最快,次為熱冷交替浸泡,最後為熱水浸泡。本研究的結論是:不同溫度的水中浸泡在乳酸的移除上均可能優於靜態恢復。 關鍵詞:水中浸泡、乳酸移除、靜態恢復




This study was conducted to determine if different temperature water immersions were effective in the rate of lactate removal after strenuous exercise. Twelve healthy males were served as subjects, age:33.5±5.3 yrs.; height: 172.0±3.7 cm; weight: 69.0±10.1 kg. Recovery was followed bicycle ergometer exercise by 110% VO2max workload for 2 minutes 30 seconds. All subjects were observed from post exercise to 33 minutes. Four treatment conditions were (1) passive recovery; (2) 40℃ water immersion; (3) 25℃ water immersion and (4) alternately 40℃ and 25℃ water immersion. Venous blood lactate levels were measured from 6th minute to 33th minute after exercise. All testing data was analyzed by one-way ANOVA repeated measures statistical procedure. The results included significant increase in the rate of lactate removal following different temperature water immersions. There was significant difference at 12th minute between 40℃ water immersion with 25℃ water immersion; and also significant difference at 9th minute between 25℃ water immersion with alternately water immersion. Others had no differences between three different temperature water immersions. In the rate of lactate removal, 25℃ water immersion was the fastest one and alternately 40℃ and 25℃ water immersion, 40℃ water immersion were in turn. It might be concluded that different temperature water immersions after strenuous exercise were more effective than passive recovery in the rate of lactate removal. Key words: immersion, lactate removal, passive recovery




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