  • 學位論文


The Effects of Reduced Training on Swimming Performance and Blood Lactate Responses.

指導教授 : 林正常 博士


減量訓練對游泳選手運動表現及血乳酸反應之影響 本研究的目的在探討為期兩週不同量之減量訓練對青少年游泳選手運動表現及血乳酸反應的影響。所探討的變項有(1)瞬發力(25公尺捷泳)、(2)心肺耐力(12分鐘游泳距離)、(3)50公尺捷泳成績、(4) 200公尺捷泳成績、(5)50公尺捷泳測驗後之血乳酸值、(6)200公尺捷泳測驗後之血乳酸值。受試者為18名彰化縣游泳培訓隊的男青少年選手,年齡為13至17歲,隨機分派至兩組不同減量的訓練方式;一組減量40%,另一組為25%,為期兩週。 本研究實驗為二因子混合設計,經變異數分析之後,除瞬發力及心肺耐力表現在兩種減量訓練之前後達顯著差異外(p<.05),其它變項則未達統計上的顯著差異(p>.05),即捷泳成績及血乳酸反應皆未達統計上的顯著差異水準。因此,結果顯示,本實驗在兩週的減量訓練之後有利於瞬發力及心肺耐力的表現,且能維持選手運動表現的能力,運動後血乳酸值不受減量訓練之影響。 由上述可知,本研究為期兩週的減量訓練對選手的運動表現皆無負面的影響。就減量的意義而言,適時且適量的減量,不但不會影響選手的運動表現,更可預期因減量訓練的作用,對未來的比賽產生有利的影響。瞬發力的提升作用比心肺耐力的維持更具意義;且最大運動後血乳酸值應分析中距離項目較有訓練上的意義。 關鍵詞:游泳、運動表現、血乳酸反應


游泳 運動表現 血乳酸反應


The Effects of Reduced Training on Swimming Performance and Blood Lactate Responses Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 2-week reduced training of swimming performance and blood lactate responses. The variables were:1) explosive power (25m front crawl); 2) cardiovascular endurance (the distance one can swim in 12 minutes ); 3) the sprint time of 50m front crawl; 4) the sprint time of 200m front crawl; 5) the blood lactate after 50m tests and 6) the blood lactate after 200m tests. Subjects were 18 male adolescent swimmers who randomly divided into two groups,one (n=9) reduced to 60% of weekly training volume and another (n=9), reduced to 75% of weekly training volume. Data were statistically analyzed with two-way mixed ANOVA.The results indicated as follows: 1. There was significant improvement (p<.05) on explosive power and cardiovascular endurance after 2 weeks of reduced training in two groups. 2. After 2 weeks of reduced training athelete’s performance in two groups was still maintained (p>.05). 3. After 2 weeks of reduced training there was no significant change (p>.05) in blood lactate responses after maximal exercise test. In conclusion, there was significant improvement on explosive power and cardiovascular endurance, but there was no significant change on the swimming performance as well as blood lactate responses after 2-week reduced training in two groups.However, there need to do some further reaearch about reduced training on swimming performance, especially the reduced training strategies on it. Key words:swimming, performance, lactate responses


Swimming Performance Lactate Responses


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