  • 學位論文


A Study on the Role Change of Junior High School Teachers-State Power vs. Teachers' Professional Autonomy

指導教授 : 譚光鼎


摘 要 本研究旨在透過國家權力與教師專業自主之關係,了解我國光復後國民中學教師角色轉變之情形。為達上述研究目的,研究者首先進行文獻蒐集與閱讀。在質化的研究取向下,本研究透過深度訪談以獲取各種資料。依據資料分析的討論,總共歸納成下列七項結論。 一、教師做為反省批判者,對於現況的抗拒,隨著時代的多元開放而持續 升高。 二、就三種師資培育途徑而言,傳統師範教育與教育學程中心對教師角色 的形塑較教育學分班來得明顯。 三、行政方面的干預是阻撓教師致力於教學專業的最大因素,從而影響教 師專業角色的發揮,而其關鍵主要在於校長的態度與認知。 四、不同師資教育階段所培育的教師,對於專業自主權之認知各有不同, 但教師角色未隨著時代的多元、開放而趨向而更合理化。 五、相較其他層面,受訪教師在「教學」所擁有的自主權較不受國家或上 位權力的限制。 六、對於「課程教材」所擁有的專業自主,受訪老師均感信心十足,認為 自身是學科領域的專家。 七、學校教師會未彰顯應有的功能,以致影響專業自主的發揮,也就是影 響教師作為參與者、教育合夥人的角色。 本研究基於上述結論,提出以下建議,供我國行政機關、大學校院、師資培育機關、學校行政單位、教師及後續研究參考。 一、 對於教育行政機關 (一) 修訂教師相關法規,對於教師專業自主權範圍做更為詳盡明確的 規範,俾供教師有所依循。 ( 二 ) 檢討請學校配合辦理活動之合理性與合法性。 (三) 適時引導教師組織發揮積極正向的功能。 二、對於師資培育機關 (一) 現有師資培育機關開設課程應再檢討。 (二) 師範院校與大學學程中心的課程、師資與內容應整合,且學程應 捐棄對於師範體系的刻板印象,透過資源整合與交流,共同研議 未來師資所需專業能力與素養。 三、針對學校行政機關 (一)強化教師在教學方面的自主權,如教學模式、評量方式、教科書 的選擇與編印等。 (二)校長必須在屬於教師專業自主的範圍內,真正落實權力下放並尊 重專業自主權。 (三) 學校必須將教師會、家長會納為行政運作之一環。 四、對於教師本身: (一) 強化教師對於權力的認知,以提昇教師專業的施展。 (二) 教師應在不確定的環境中,秉持自身對於正確教育理念的堅持, 抱持敏銳、彈性的知覺面對社會、文化等因素的轉換。 五、對於後續研究 (一) 研究方法除深入訪談外,可輔之以個案觀察進行檢證。 (二) 研究對象應擴大,以探討城鄉教師間認知的差距。 (三) 可就單一教師專業自主面向進行深入探討,特別是專業教育養成 及行政干預層面部分。


A Study on the Role Change of Junior High School Teachers -State Power vs. Teachers' Professional Autonomy Abstract This study aims to investigate the role change of junior high school teachers reflected through the relations between the state power and the teachers' professional autonomy since the retrocession of Taiwan from the Japanese colonial rule in 1947. To do that, this author first conducted a literature review and decided to adopt a qualitative research approach. Through lengthy and detailed interviews, various data have been acquired and processed. Major findings of this study are summarized as follows. 1. As a reviewer and a critic, teachers are increasingly resistant to the existing environment as the society becomes more diversified. 2. Comparing the three teacher education channels, traditional normal education universities or colleges and teacher educational program centers have exerted stronger effects than education credit courses on the shaping of teachers' roles. 3. Administrative interference, depending mainly on the attitude and the perceptions of the school principal, hinders the most the professional development of teachers, which in turn prevent teachers from effectively playing their role. 4. Teachers at different teacher education stages interviewed by this author demonstrate varying degrees of perceptions toward professional autonomy; however, the survey reveals that teachers' role is not rationalized despite the society has become more open and diversified. 5. Compared with other aspects examined in this study, the teacher interviewees play a stronger professional role in teaching where they are less confined or interfered by the government or any other higher authorities . 6. In the survey of professional autonomy with respect to the choice of curriculum or teaching material, the teacher interviewees demonstrate utmost confidence and are convinced that they are experts of their subject matter. 7. School teachers' associations have failed to exert a positive influence on teachers' professional autonomy and thus have affected teachers' roles as a participant and a partner in the process of education. Based on the above findings, this author has made the following recommendations for the competent authorities of education, higher education institutions, teacher education organizations, school administrations, and teachers for reference, and has proposed a few directions for future studies. 1. For the competent authorities of education: (1) To better serve the purposes of education, teacher preparation related laws and regulations should be revised to provide more specific and detailed guidelines on teachers' professional autonomy. (2) The legitimacy of designating school administrations to organize or co-organize various activities should be re-examined. (3) Teachers' associations or similar organizations should be guided in order to exert positive influences. 2. For teacher education organizations: (1) The existing courses offered by such organizations should be reviewed. (2) The courses provided by normal universities or colleges and those of teacher educational program centers operated by other higher education institutions should be integrated. Teacher educational program centers should not be misled by the stereotypes of the normal education system. Instead, the two systems should collaborate on prescribing the professional capabilities required of future teachers through resources integration and exchanges. 3. For school administrations: (1) Teachers' autonomy in teaching should be strengthened, which should include teaching models, evaluation methods, selection and compilation of textbooks. (2) School principal should empower teachers and respect their professionalism within the scope of teacher's autonomy. (3) School administrations should involve and include teachers' associations and parents' associations. 4. For teachers: (1) Teachers' knowledge on authority should be strengthened in order to enhance teachers' professionalism. (2) Teachers should persist in seeking and advocating the accurate ideologies of education and should stay alert and flexible in the changing society and culture. 5. For future studies: (1) In addition to detailed and lengthy interviews as adopted in this study, on-site observations may be added as a research method to verify the findings. (2) The research scope should be enlarged and the difference in perceptions between teachers in cities and in rural areas should be further investigated. (3) Any of the aspects of professional autonomy may be studied more thoroughly, particularly regarding professionalism cultivation and administrative interference.




江馨以(2011)。從課桌到講桌:師資職前教育專業課程對教師專業能力培育之探討 -以高職餐旅群教師為例〔碩士論文,國立高雄餐旅大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6825/NKUHT.2011.00047
