  • 學位論文


The study of leisure satisfaction and subjective well-being :an example of Taipei metropolitan area

指導教授 : 謝智謀 王宗吉


本研究之目的為瞭解大台北地區民眾之休閒滿意與幸福感面貌,並進一步探討影響兩者之相關因素。研究採用量化研究方法,休閒滿意度之測量以Beard 與 Ragheb(1980)所發展出的LSS量表進行,幸福感之測量則分別使用整體生活滿意度量表(SWLS)及正、負向情感出現的頻率(PA/NA)加以探測。研究依照立意抽樣之配額取樣法,以大台北地區(包含台北縣、市)15歲以上民眾為研究母群體,透過個人網絡抽樣(network sampling)及街頭發放問卷的方式,總計發出700份問卷,回收620份,回收率為88.6%,扣除無效問卷後,有效樣本為604份,有效率為97.4%。利用t檢定、one-way ANOVA及線性關係模式(LISREL)分析後,本研究之主要發現整理如後: 一、大台北地區民眾在休閒滿意度各構面之得分皆呈現略高於中等的程 度;其中,民眾的休閒體驗仍以放鬆面向的滿意度最高(M=16.24, S.D=2.22),體能面向的表現最差(M=14.85,S.D=2.91)。 二、大台北地區民眾之幸福感呈現略高於中等的程度;其中,整體生活滿 意度略高於中間分數(M=22.75,S.D=6.27),正向情感的出現略高於 中等頻率(M=19.12,S.D=4.58),負向情感的出現略少於中等頻率 (M=13.60,S.D=5.71)。 三、不同性別、生命歷程、教育程度、婚姻狀況在休閒滿意度之子構面上 存有差異(p<0.05)。 四、不同性別、生命歷程、教育程度、婚姻狀況在幸福感之子構面上存有 差異(p<0.05)。 五、本研究所建構之休閒滿意影響幸福感模式,受到實證資料的支持而成 立,知覺經濟安全感、知覺健康程度會對休閒滿意度及幸福感具有直 接且正向的影響,休閒滿意度對於幸福感的影響亦為直接且正向的 (χ2/df=1.87;RMSEA =0.038;GFI=0.985;NFI=0.975; AGFI=0.977;CFI=0.987)。 最後,根據研究發現及結論提出建議,以供相關單位及後續研究者參考。


The purpose of this study is to realize the leisure satisfaction and subjective well-being of Taipei metropolitan area, and to explore the relative factors. Being a quantitative research, Leisure Satisfaction Scale (LSS), Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) and Positive/Negative Affect (PA/NA) were used for the themes. Using quota sampling of non-random sampling, 620 individuals (over 15 age) have been sampled. After deleting the invalid questionnaires, 604 copies are effective in total. Collected Data has been processed for statistical analysis by t-test, one-way ANOVA, and LISREL. The major findings are as follows: 1. The leisure satisfaction of Taipei area residents is a little higher than median value in various dimensions. Among them,relaxational aspect scored the highest (M=16.24, S.D=2.22)with physical aspect the lowest (M=14.85,S.D=2.91). 2. The subjective well-being of Taipei area residents appears a little higher than median value. Total life satisfaction is a little higher than median value (M=22.75,S.D=6.27), and so is the frequency of positive affect (M=19.12,S.D=4.58). Besides,the frequency of negative affect is a little lower than median value (M=13.60,S.D=5.71). 3. Significant differences of leisure satisfaction are found under diverse gender, lifecourse, educational levels, and marital status (p<0.05). 4. Significant differences of subjective well-being are found under diverse gender, lifecourse, educational levels, and marital status (p<0.05). 5. Results from LISREL analysis indicate that the model fit well with empirical data. Perceived economic safe and perceived health degree have direct, significant, and positive effect on leisure satisfaction and subjective well-being.Leisure satisfaction also has positive effect on subjective well-being (χ2/df=1.87;RMSEA =0.038; GFI=0.985;NFI=0.975;AGFI=0.977;CFI=0.987).


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