  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 廖遠光


本研究旨在探討高職學生經由WebQuest會計學投資單元的學習動機與學習成就,並且透過訪談了解不同背景變項學生對於WebQuest活動的想法。研究設計採用準實驗研究法,於台北市某私立高職資料處理科三年級的兩個班級共71人為研究對象,進行四週教學實驗。自變項為教學策略,依變項為學習動機與學習成就;實驗組運用研究者自行設計之WebQuest活動進行教學,控制組採用傳統式教學法。研究者使用自編「會計學學習動機量表」、「會計學學習成就測驗」及半結構式訪談大綱為研究工具。研究結果顯示: 一、WebQuest教學策略對學習動機的影響 (一)能顯著提升實驗組學生的學習動機。 (二)能顯著提升男生在「興趣/滿足」、「自覺能力」、「壓力/緊張感」方面的學習動機。 (三)能顯著提升女生在「價值觀/實用性」及「總動機」方面的學習動機。 (四)有助於提升有證照學生會計學的學習動機。 (五)能顯著提升無證照學生在會計學中「興趣/滿足」、「自覺能力」、「壓力/緊張感」、「自我抉擇感」、「價值觀/實用性」及「總動機」方面的學習動機。 二、WebQuest教學策略對學習成就的影響 (一)能顯著提升實驗組學生會計學學習成就。 (二)能顯著提升男生在會計學的學習成就。 (三)能顯著提升女生在會計學的學習成就。 (四)能顯著提升有證照學生在會計學的學習成就。 (五)能顯著提升無證照學生在會計學的學習成就。 三、WebQuest教學歷程的相關因素:包括Webquest教學建構新的學習模式、鷹架教學引導學習分工與合作、降低專業課程上的壓力創新學習思維。 最後,本研究依據研究結果提出建議,以提供教學及未來研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of WebQuest teaching strategy on the vocational high schoolers’ motivation for learning and academic achievements on the designated accounting investment program. By interviewing students with different backgrounds, we unveiled that their thoughts about WebQuest learning activitiy. The research method was a quasi-experimental design, lasting four weeks. We focued on third year students of Information Processing from two classes, 71 students in total. The independent variable is the WebQuest teaching strategy. The dependent variables are the motivation for learning and academic achievements. The experimental group used WebQuest to teach. The control group used the traditional teaching method. We used three instruments:Accounting Investment Program Motivation questionnaire, Accounting Investment Program Academic Achievement Test and Semi-Interview Stucture designed by the researcher. The results are: 1. The influences of WebQuest in motivation for learning (1) It could increase the students’ motivation for learning. There are distinct differences between the two groups. (2) It could increase the boys’ motivation, Interest/ Satisfition, Self-awareness, and Pressure/ Stress. (3) It could increase the girls’ Value/ Usefulness, and Total Motivation. (4) It could increase the motivation of students who have professional qualification certificates. (5) It could increase motivation, Interest/ Satisfition, Self-awareness, Pressure/ Tense, Value/ Usefulness, and Total Motivation of the students who are still wtriving for acquiring professional qualification certificates. 2. The influences of WebQuest on academic achievements (1) Teaching the accounting investment program, the academic achievements were improved. (2) The academic achievements of the boys were improved. (3) The academic achievements of the girls were improved. (4) The academic achievements of the students with professional qualification certificates were improved. (5) The academic achievements of the students without profestional certificate qualificaion certificates were improved. 3. The teaching process of WebQuest includes WebQuest construacted learning structure, scaffolding instruction cooperated group work,and lower the pressure of academic learning. Finally, we present our suggestion based on this study and hope it will be the guideline for future studies.




莊耿閔(2011)。WebQuest 教學設計應用於國中九年級數學低成就學生之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0006-1807201117145700
陳昱蓁(2012)。高中生對輔助性音樂欣賞教學策略之學習動機調查 -以臺北市高中為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315283597
