  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 余鑑 于俊傑


本研究目的主要在探討中華電信組織變革下員工生涯發展所遭遇 之問題與解決模式,及瞭解中華電信組織變革下員工生涯發展之關鍵成功因素。研究方法採用質化的個案研究法,以訪談之方式進行個案資料蒐集,訪談中華電信六位員工,並依據研究主題將訪談資料整理與分析後,獲得以下發現: 一、中華電信員工生涯發展遭遇之問題主要有五項,最重要的問題即員工心理的恐懼,擔心變革後會遭減薪,甚至是工作權不保。其次員工也因變革後工作壓力的增加而反對變革,其它問題即子公司員工的自我職涯發展性遭受質疑、中華電信優退政策成為與工會爭執的導火線、中華電信變革前的考核與薪資福利是齊頭式的平等,造成有衝勁的員工認為晉升緩慢。 二、在解決中華電信員工生涯發展遭遇之問題上,公司為了減緩員工變革恐懼,答應員工變革後五年內不裁員不減薪,並開設許多休閒活動與舒壓教室舒緩員工工作壓力;在中華電信多角化的成立子公司時,原公司人員調動會以尊重員工生涯規劃為原則,同時在精簡組織上,中華電信祭出越來越好的優退政策鼓勵年長員工退休;最重要的一項改變即中華電信導入五等第制度,徹底打破齊頭式平等,提升整體中華電信人力素質。 三、影響中華電信員工生涯發展之關鍵成功因素主要有七項。最主要的因素即完善的教育訓練制度。第二項為企業升遷注重證照,組織中擁有濃厚的學習氣氛,使中華電信邁入學習型組織的文化。第三項為企業不斷的溝通與協助員工能減緩員工對組織變革下職涯發展的恐懼。第四項為企業不斷的成長與實行多角化策略能使員工有更廣的生涯發展空間與機會。第五項是中華電信對於高階主管進行規劃性的接班人計畫,培養更多種子經理人。第六 項為中華電信的員工輪調政策,使員工可以更全方位的學習。最後一項即中華電信高層有秉持使員工在公司有更好生涯發展之概念。


The purpose of this study aims to survey the problem and relevant solution of employee career development under organization reform of Chunghwa Telecom. Moreover, to figure out the key success factors of employee career development is also the main target for this program. We focus on case study for this program research. Every case study goes on by individual interview to collect first- hand information. After we interviewed 6 employees of Chunghwa Telecom and we have below conclusion: 1.There are 5 main problems when the employees develop their own career. The most important and deep problem is about uncertainty about their own job opportunity and relevant compensation issue. Another common reason that employees are against revolution is because the pressure of higher work loading. The rest of reasons are like compensation issue and without motivation because unfair reward system. 2.The solution to solve above potential problems is as following: To promise employees that the compensation program for each employee won’t be changed within 5 years. To create more leisure program and activities for employees. To encourage employees to retire earlier by better welfare program. And the most important policy is to improve the performance evaluation program. 3.There are 7 key success factors of employee career development program. First is about complete training program. Second is to develop a learning organization. Third is to decrease employees’ uncertainty felling. Forth, to broaden employees’ career by offering different internal job opportunities. Fifth, to provide the manager associate program for employees. Sixth, the job rotation program. The last one is that the top management must support the employee career development program.


