  • 學位論文


Does Higher Education Pay? Career Trajectory of Taiwanese Young Cohort and the Gender Difference

指導教授 : 陳婉琪




Studies on labor market outcomes are numerous, though investigation of the career trajectory for a certain cohort is scarce in Taiwan. In this study, I used multilevel liner-growth model to analyze the youth sample of Panel Study of Family Dynamics, i.e., the cohort born between 1978 and 1984. I found that higher education does have the effect of enhancing social mobility. In early adulthood, higher education plays a crucial role in determining starting salaries and initial occupational status. The higher the education, the higher the starting salaries and initial SES. However, in the starting salary, it exists only for those who have obtained master degree. There is no difference between bachelor degree and junior college. As for later development, higher education also has the effect of accelerating salary increase. Youths who obtained higher levels of education enjoy more rapid increase of wage. However, this effect is not found in the analysis of occupational status. In addition, there were some additional findings on the effect of marriage on career development. Although there is no difference in starting salaries between married and single youths in early adulthood, marital duration has a positive effect on later wage increase for young male, implying the existence of marriage premium. In contrast, there is no marriage premium among young women.


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