  • 學位論文


A Study of Concursus Necessarius

指導教授 : 李茂生


必要共犯理論雖然在德國與日本已發展許久,但我國對於必要共犯的討論不多也不完整,且多集中在德國學說的介紹,有鑑於此,筆者希望藉由日本學說對於必要共犯的探討,試著與我國實務、學說見解一起分析比較後提出自己的看法,以補充與說明我國對於必要共犯相關議題的不足之處。 首先,筆者所要探討的是必要共犯概念,先以德國學說的介紹開始,再從日本及我國實務與學說見解切入,對於必要共犯概念進行分析比較後,來定義必要共犯、聚合犯與對向犯的概念。其次,筆者分別從聚合犯與對向犯兩方面探討我國刑法的規定與處罰模式,聚合犯的部份是著重在分析討論各種聚合犯構成要件的性質與有無適用總則正犯與共犯規定的問題,以解明聚合犯的處罰模式,而對向犯的部份則是著重在歸納各種類型的對向犯,區分處罰全部參與者之對向犯與僅處罰一方之對向犯,討論有無適用總則正犯與共犯規定的問題,但因僅處罰一方之對向犯較為特殊,大多認為應否定該未明文處罰之對向參與者有總則正犯與共犯規定的適用,因此要解明對向犯的處罰模式,就必須探討不處罰此種對向參與者的理由。最後,筆者藉由上述的討論與分析,重新架構聚合犯與對向犯的概念,以「犯罪連結關係的建立」說明立法者採取必要共犯立法模式的理由,並以「犯罪連結關係的去除」來探討有無廢除必要共犯立法模式的可能性。 經過討論後,其實可以發現必要共犯立法模式並不能完全廢除,那麼如何定義必要共犯的概念,以及立法者要如何設計此種以多數人參與為必要的犯罪類型,始能符合罪刑法定的要求,即為重要的課題。筆者希望藉由本論文對於必要共犯的探討,能提供實務與學說見解對不一樣的思考,以期待必要共犯理論有更多元、深入的發展。


The theory of Concursus Necessarius has been developed for a long time, but in Taiwan, the theory of Concursus Necessarius is not a popular theme for discussion. The purpose of this thesis is introducing and discussing about theory of Concursus Necessarius , and try to propose some opinion and suggestion about the legislative model of Concursus Necessarius. First, I probe into the concept of Concursus Necessarius, and research what is Konvergenzdelikt and Begegnungsdelikt. Second, I discuss about the punishment model of Konvergenzdelikt and Begegnungsdelikt. About Konvergenzdelikt, I focus on analyzing all kinds of Konvergenzdelikt’ s character, and whether Konvergenzdelikt can apply to Criminal Law’s General Provisions or not. About Begegnungsdelikt, I focus on distinguishing all kinds of Begegnungsdelikt between a type of punishing all participants and a type of punishing one side participant, and discussing whether Begegnungsdelikt can apply to Criminal Law’s General Provisions or not. But owing to particularity of a type of punishing one side participant, the majority consider that this type does not apply to Criminal Law’s General Provisions. In order to realize the punishment model of Begegnungsdelikt clearly, I should discuss about the reason why not to punish this type of punishing one side participant. Third, according to my discussion and analysis, I re-structure the concept of Konvergenzdelikt and Begegnungsdelikt. By “establishing the relation of connecting crime,” I describe why the legislators take the legislative model of Concursus Necessarius, and with “removing the relation of connecting crime,” I discuss about the possibility of abolishing legislative model of Concursus Necessarius. Finally, I think that the legislative model of Concursus Necessarius can not be abolished. Then, in order to fit in with a request of Nulla poena sine lege, how to define the concept of Concursus Necessarius, and the legislators how to design this type of crime, is an important issue. I hope my thesis can give a different ideas, and expect the theory of Concursus Necessarius can be in-depth development in the future.



