  • 學位論文


The relationships among emotional capital, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior: a multiple level analysis

指導教授 : 劉仲矩


員工工作滿意度和組織公民行為會受到個體變數的影響,同時也會受到群體層次的變數所影響。本研究利用跨層次的方式來探討員工工作滿意度及組織公民行為。我們首先探討個人情緒資本,之後討論群體情緒資本。利用階層線性迴歸,我們可以發現個人情緒資本分別會對工作滿意度及組織公民行為有顯著的正向影響,組織內的群體情緒資 本也會對於員工的工作滿意度及組織公民行為有顯著的直接效果。而群體情緒資本對個人情緒資本與工作滿意度有干擾效果。根據實證研究,我們建議企業在徵選員工應挑選具有個人情緒資本的員工,此外管理團隊也應建立群體情緒資本,加強員工對組織的向心力,發揮出員工最大的潛力。


People on job satisfaction and organization citizenship behavior have been effect on group- and individual-level variables. A total of 750 employees from 25 companies were selected. The purpose of this study demonstrated that both individual- and group-level emotional capitals were significantly associated with job satisfaction and organization citizenship behavior. Individual emotional capital is significantly correlated with variance, and group emotional capital is significantly correlated with variance. This study provided some conclusions and suggestions for academic and practice.


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