  • 學位論文

都市女性主義研究─以媒體空間之Show Girl為例

Urban Feminism-The Case Study of Show Girl in Media Space

指導教授 : 郭肇立


傳統社會中「父權」為壓迫女性之根本。過去父權社會藉由男女角色刻板化的社會過程,使女性形象被刻畫為柔弱、保守、矜持、賢慧、善良、勤勞等,並內化為社會普遍價值觀。時至今日行走於都市空間中,我們所見到的商品、廣告代言、路邊推銷皆為女性。甚至,整個城市需要用城市小姐來透過「女性」宣傳整個城市。女性代言儼然已成為一種都市景觀及都市社會文化。女性不再侷限於柔弱、賢慧、勤勞等詞彙,而能展現主體並奪得目光。 這樣的現象引起許多辯論,認為這樣的女性是為了「迎合男性凝視」,因而她們被「父權」迫害著而不自知,或稱之為物化。然而,女性真的不自知嗎?被凝視的反向操作難道不是透過被凝視進而操縱凝視者?本研究選定在既有「父權思維」中認定為被物化的女性─Show Girl為研究對象,運用參與觀察法與深度訪談資料整理在媒體空間中工作的女性,透過其口述強調其「主體思維」作辯證,除針對物化一詞做探討,並從其在媒體空間中操作、掌控的一切行為提出一足以與父權相抗衡、甚至擊敗的力量─「魅力」。 本研究定義媒體空間為可以展演、宣傳的場域,區分為「單向」與「雙向」。其區別在於前者為社會大眾或媒體給予Show Girl的形象;後者則是實際與Show Girl接觸後的形象。Show Girl在單向媒體空間中被塑造為被凝視的客體,誇張的報導標題與裸露圖片是多數抨擊將女性身體符號化之原因;然而女性主體本身的意識為何卻被忽略,也正是需要透過現代雙向媒體空間來傳達與展現。當社會主流認定女性應當「有知識、內涵」的同時,卻也排擠了因家境、個人能力等因素進而無法從事「有知識或內涵」僅能以年輕外貌工作進而改變社會階級的女性。女性運用身體的力量來當作性別的優勢,增加話題性與媒體效應,運用所謂「物化」身體構造上的優勢,控制媒體空間中的目光抑或成為婚姻關係中的介入者藉以謀權篡位,向上爭取社會階級的流動,為個人以不同方法自我實現的方式。本研究觀察都市女性透過「魅力」爭取於媒體空間中操作男性凝視的現象,如何運用女性獨有之吸引力在空間中佔據優勢,成為媒體、男性的焦點。闡述父權的權力運作與魅力的權衡關係,是謂都會女性的現代性。


魅力 媒體空間 Show Girl 女性主義 權力


“Patriarchy” is the root cause of the oppression of women. In past patriarchal society, the standard female image was depicted as weak, passive, conservative, reserved, virtuous, kind, diligent, and so on that were stereotyped and internalized into universal social values by means of social progress of male and female characters. To this day, when we walk into urban spaces, women are generally seen selling goods, endorsing advertisements, and promoting on the road, and this phenomenon has been described as “Beauty Economics”. Even the whole city needs to be publicized through “femininity” by Miss City. Female endorsement has become an urban landscape and urban social culture. Women are no longer limited to the words such as weakness, virtuousness and diligence but can now show their subjective and attractive images. This phenomenon has resulted in many debates. Such women were thought to “cater to the male gaze”, and therefore they were thought to be unconscious about their persecution suffered from “Patriarchy”. However, are they truly unconscious? Is it not that the reverse operation of being gazed at manipulate the gazers through being gazed? The present study selects the show girls who were considered materialized women wearing exposing clothes in existing “patriarchal thinking” as the object of study and utilizes participant observation and in-depth interview data to reveal women working in media space. We will highlight their “subjective thinking” as dialectics through their dictation, discuss and debate the word materialization, and put forward the power to contend against or even defeat Patriarchy using “attractiveness” from all their behaviors operating and controlling in media space. The present study defines media space as the field domain for exhibition and performance and propaganda which can be distinguished as “one-way” and “two-way”. The difference is that the former is the image given to show girls by the public or media and the latter is the image of show girls after real contact. Show girls are molded into the gazed object in one-way media space, and the exaggerative report titles and revealing photos are the reasons why most of the criticism symbolizes the female body. Nevertheless, for what reason women’s subjective thinking was ignored also needs to be conveyed and exhibited via modern two-way media space. When mainstream society believes that women must be “intellectual and connotative”, women who are unable to conduct intellectual or connotative work for factors including family background and personal ability, and yet depend on their youthful appearance to change their social class, are ostracized. Women utilize their physical strength as gender advantage to increase topicality and media effect. They take advantage of their so-called “materialized” bodies to control attraction in media space or seek status as intervener in existing marital relations and fight for the upward mobility of their social class. Each woman fulfills self-realization in a different way rather than “depressing herself” in the name of “collective welfare”. The present study observes the phenomenon that urban women strive to manipulate male gazes in media space with “attractiveness” and how they take advantage of their unique female attractiveness to prevail in such space as well as explain the trade-off relationship between patriarchal power manipulation and female attractiveness which is called the modernity of metropolitan women.


Charm Space Feminism, Media Show Girl Power


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