  • 學位論文


An Analysis on the Development Process of the Kinmen National Park: Perspective of Network Management

指導教授 : 陳恆鈞


隨著民主意識的高漲,政府部門在進行各項決策時皆需考慮其它相關政策利害關係人的影 響,而這些利害關係人形成一個相互依賴的網絡,透過互動往往會左右政策產出的結果。本文主要 是探討金門國家公園成立至今與當地居民間的互動關係,主要聚焦於了解國家公園園區範圍內之當 地居民對於國家公園的經營管理的態度轉變情形以及之間產生衝突的原因。因此採用網絡管理相關 理論,探討產生轉變的原因和主要影響決策方向的利害關係人,並探討合作破局的不確定性因素。   本研究之理論主要以Koppenjan與Klijn(2004)的的網絡管理不確定性理論模型為基礎架構,指 出社會網絡中面對於複雜的問題解決存在著不確定性的關係。最後整理出網絡管理不確定性因素分 為認知因素、社會因素、制度因素、管理因素、外部因素。透過問卷調查的方式,回收金門國家公 園園區內375位民眾有效問卷,運用迴歸分析法了解各項因素影響民眾對於國家公園認同或不認同 的結果。   最後本研究發現,認知因素的價值觀,管理因素的承諾,制度因素的規範、政策工具及外部因 素的政治環境有著不顯著的情形。透過訪談進一步了解,民眾形成不認同國家公園造成合作破局的 原因是聚落居民缺乏對國家公園的了解與共識的建立、各聚落資源分配不均、法規上執行過於嚴格 以及府際間缺乏溝通協調是產生不認同以及合作破局的原因。


With the increasing democratic consciousness, in the process of policy-making, government was supposed to take into the consideration of potential impact on other policy stakeholders may have inflicted on. Chances are these interested parties may form an interdependent network, which often influences on policy generation through interaction between interested parties. This study aims to explore the interaction between Kinmen National Park and the local residents, mainly focusing on local residents’ attitude change and the possible causes of conflict situations regarding the operation and management of the National Park within and its scope. Therefore, Network Management theory was adopted to investigate the reasons for the attitude change of the locals and the interested party that plays an essential role in policy-making; further, cooperation collapsed uncertainties will also be discussed. The theoretical basis of this study lies in the research of Koppenjan and Klijn, Managing Uncertainties in Networks, in which they pointed out social networks in face of resolving complex problems involve uncertainty relations. Finally, the study concludes that network management uncertainties can be divided into five factors: cognitive, social, institutional, management, and external factors. These factors can be grasped via the questionnaire, and the total number of valid questionnaires retrieved was 375 from people living in the Kinmen National Park, and regression analysis is adopted to understand various factors that may influence how people approve or disapprove of the National Park. At last, the study shows that values within the cognitive factors, commitment within the management factors, norms and policy tools within the institutional factors, and political environment within external factors are not significant. The further steps in interviews are taken in order to realize the reasons why the local people do not identify themselves with the National Park, leading to the un-success in cooperation: (i) residents lack proper understanding of the National Park and they are taking a step back from consensus building, (ii) the problems of uneven distribution of resources still exist, (iii) the implementation of the regulations are too strict and (iv) lack of adequate communication and coordination between the intergovernmental organizations.


