  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Enterprise Competition Strategy–Example on Multi-channel Integration of TAIYEN Biotech Business

指導教授 : 楊泰和


個案公司臺鹽自民國90年轉型進軍美容保養品市場,生技產品「綠迷雅」品牌以立委代言及通路加盟等行銷策略,短暫引爆更多的曝光與銷售量,惟後期卻因內外部通路彼此競爭而引發衝突,致消費者缺乏品牌忠誠度;加上內部研發、生產及銷售與市場競爭脫勾,品牌及行銷資源未見整合,故市場佔有率無法有效提升。面對通路變革,如何解決實體通路與虛擬通路之間的衝突與整合,以創造企業新的競爭力,實為個案公司當前最重要的課題。 本研究係採個案研究法,以資源基礎理論觀點來探討個案公司的核心資源及獨特能耐,並對其行銷資源及銷售通路之競爭態勢進行分析。研究的資料來源有:(1)學術電子資料庫;(2)個案公司內部的資訊觀測站;(3)對公司內、外部通路經理人進行深度訪談及(4)實地參與觀察。 綜合理論及個案研究結果,本研究給予個案公司三點管理上的建議:(1)虛擬通路的佈局與實體通路應予整合;(2)發展多品牌來排除目前通路衝突的組織困境及(3)應另成立專責於專案行銷的組織單位來進行資源整合並發展新商業模式。如此方能進一步結合外部行銷公司之互補性資源,在產品研發方向、上市通路佈局、產能(量)規模等各方面,為企業的行銷與經營建構持久的競爭優勢。


In the case of TAIYEN Company, it is in the business revolution and transformation stage, through the transformation of the product, brand innovation, reengineering of the sales model and a strategic shift, trying to find a successful and effective model. The purpose of this study is to construct together resource-based theory and innovative strategies in the transformation of multi-channel integration. Furthermore, from the in-depth interview of individual sales channel managers, who offer practical operation opinions to get the study conclusion and to meet the scholar studies journal to forming a mold and taking it to the business operation reference or suggestion. According to the results of the study, this paper provides some managerial suggestions: (1) the virtual and physical channels should be integrated in channel buildup; (2) developing multi-brand to get rid of negative impacts of the channel conflict and (3) set up a dedicated project-based marketing department not only to integrate the resources but also to develop the new business models.


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