  • 學位論文


Effects of Using LINE Software on Student’s Math Learning Attitude and Learning Achievement

指導教授 : 藍友烽


網路即時通訊軟體在目前國中學生的日常生活環境中,佔有越來越重要的地位,隨著這些即時通訊軟體使用概念的不斷演變,越來越多網路合作學習方式被應用在學習現場,在如此自由又不受約束的網路平台上,如何透過即時通訊軟體來安排並規劃討論進行學習活動,並彙整網路討論活動的資訊,便是一個重要的網路合作學習課題。 網路合作學習讓學生透過討論的方式再加以分享,在存有異同的想法中進行思考以及邏輯辯證,擷取群組成員們的意見與想法,進而彙整出思慮較為周密完善的答案。在網路合作學習的過程中,學生所投入的參與度與個人學習成效、學習態度之間的關係,便是本研究關注的重點。因此,本研究以即時通訊軟體LINE做為實驗平台,設計四次的測驗來進行相關性驗證,實驗對象為15位九年級數學科B組學生,共進行四週一共八次的網路合作學習活動。 本研究從觀察的角度,觀察學生在LINE群組的討論情形,並透過參與度與學習態度的相關性分析,發現參與度與學習態度不具有顯著相關性。此外,四次測驗分析結果顯示,參與度與學習成效具有顯著相關性。本研究認為透過參與LINE群組討論活動,同儕間互相幫助,可以讓遇到的問題迎刃而解,提升數學科學習成效。


Instant Messaging has had a more influence on the daily life of junior high students in recent years. With the progressive development of Instant Messaging using concepts, more collaborative learning approaches are applied in learning.On such a free and loose network platform, it is an important task of Internet collaborative learning to arrange platforms of learning activities and compile information from discussion through Instant Messaging software. Net collaborative learning enables learners to share ideas through discussion, think about and collect others’ opinions with different points of view, and furthermore compile better answers. During the process of Net collaborative learning, the study emphasizes the relationship not only between the degrees of participation and personal learning effects but between the degrees of participation and the learning attitudes of learners. Therefore, the study designs four tests based on Instant Messaging platform, LINE, to give related proofs. The purposive sampling has been applied to select fifteen students with lower math learning achievements in junior high to execute learning activities eight times in four weeks. This activity was viewed in the perspective of students' discussion in the LINE group. In addition, through the correlation analysis, no significant correlations were found between students’ participation and the learning attitude. Besides, the results of the test analysis all showed that there was significant correlation between students’ participation and the learning achievement. For this, the researcher held that it was through LINE group discussion that students could solve math problems with peers' help. Key words: LINE, Internet cooperative learning, participation, learning achievement, learning attitude.


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