  • 學位論文


Immigration Rhapsodies: Multiple Identities in Jhumpa Lahiri's Fiction

指導教授 : 馮品佳


本論文以「多樣化身份屬性」(multiple identities)來探討移民的身份認同,以便突顯民族族群中成員的各自身份。離散中的人民,雖然同屬於一個民族族群,卻會因為不同的主體性(subjectivity)導致他們的行為和反應有極大的差異。儘管Hall對身份的觀點(identity)、Bhabha的混雜性(hybridity)、Crenshaw的多元交織性(intersectionality)、及Lowe的異質(heterogeneity)與多元性(multiplicity)等理論,都能解釋身份問題的某些層面,但若將以上學者對身份的論述統合起來,則更能形成一個較多元且廣泛的身份論點。 本論文分為四章,第一章包括研究動機、研究目的、及南亞女性作家鐘芭‧拉希莉(Jhumpa Lahiri)的身世背景;第二章是關於南亞離散身份的文獻回顧,並經由上述學者的理論建構出「多樣化身份屬性」;第三章探討拉希莉作品中的「多樣化身份屬性」與性別角色;最後一章為總結、研究限制、和未來研究運用等。研究結果顯示賦於民族族群固定的身份定義是不恰當的,為了強調民族族群中的個別差異,「多樣化身份屬性」是個值得在離散文學中探究的議題。


This thesis suggests the use of the concept of “multiple identities” to describe the different identities that exist among members within an ethnic group. Diasporic individuals belonging to the same ethnic group (e.g. South Asian) may behave and respond to the world in strikingly different ways due to the various subjectivities they possess. Hall’s identity, Bhabha’s hybridity, Crenshaw’s intersectionality, and Lowe’s heterogeneity and multiplicity each encompass a specific facet of identity that I believe to be important to the construct of a complete diasporic ethnic identity. I bring together these perspectives on identity to create a more versatile method of imagining ethnic identity. This thesis will be divided into four chapters. The first is an introduction to author Jhumpa Lahiri, research motives, and a summarized statement concerning my main argument. The second will be a literary review of South Asian diasporic identity and the theories utilized within this thesis, in addition to a more detailed look into the concept of “multiple identities.” The third chapter will be a discussion on multiple identities and the formation of South Asian gender roles using examples from Lahiri’s works. Lastly, the concluding chapter will contain statements made concerning my previous investigations in addition to research limitations and possible future research applications. Overall, my findings back up my goal to prove that fixed definitions for a specific ethnic group are a myth and we need to highlight the differences within ethnic groups across generations. I hope to prove the concept of “multiple identities” as a theory worthy of note in diasporic literature.


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