  • 學位論文


Ship routing and schedule setting for container liners

指導教授 : 顏上堯


良好的船隊排程與船期表規劃攸關航商的經營成效甚巨,直接影響航商本身的獲利能力、服務水準與市場競爭力。目前航商在船隊排程與船期表的制訂上,都是依照人工經驗進行試誤法反覆調整,缺乏效率且無法確保得到良好的結果。以往針對定期貨櫃船舶運輸的研究多偏向中長期的航線選擇及規劃,而在短期班次表建立的研究甚少有相關研究。緣此,本研究站在航商的立場,以航商最大利潤為目標,根據中長期規劃的航線結果,並考量定期貨櫃船舶運輸的相關營運限制與資料,發展一短期船隊排程與船期表規劃模式。本研究期能於未來實務應用上,提供航商一有效的工具,以幫助航商有效規劃船隊排程及建立船期表。 本研究利用網路流動技巧構建多航線船隊排程模式,此模式包含多重船流時空網路及多重物流時空網路,以定式船舶及貨物在時空中流動之情況。其中船流時空網路則以整數流動方式定式船隊的週期排程;物流時空網路則根據不同時效性之貨物需求,構建多重起迄時對(OD-time pair)時空網路。在物流時空網路與船流時空網路中,再加上實務的營運限制,以符合實際的作業。此模式可定式為一整數多重網路流動問題,屬NP-hard問題。本研究利用拉氏鬆弛法暨次梯度法配合數學規劃軟體CPLEX進行模式求解。最後,為測試本研究模式與解法的實用績效,本研究以國內一航商之營運資料為例,進行實例測試與分析,進而提出結論與建議。


A good ship routing and shipment scheduling is more important for shipping carriers. They are essential to shipping carriers’ profitability, level of service and competitive capability in the market. However, most of the shipping carriers in Taiwan currently adopt a trial-and-error process for ship routing and shipment scheduling practices. Such an approach is considered to be less efficient, and can possibly result in an inferior feasible solution. In the past, most research on container liner was mainly focused on port selecting and ship routing planning, which was typically in the stage of long-term operations. Since shipment scheduling on the short-term operations are quite lacking, therefore, on the basis of the shipping carriers perspective, we base on the result of the long-term operations to develop a ship routing and shipment scheduling model on short-term operations with the objective of maximizing the operating profit, subject to the related operating constraints. The model is expected to be an effective tool for the shipping carriers to establish their ship schedule. We employ network flow techniques to construct the model, which include multiple ship-flow networks and multiple cargo-flow networks in order to formulate the flows of ships and cargos in the dimensions of time and space. In the ship-flow networks, we use an integer flow network to formulate the periodical ship routes. In the cargo-flow networks, we construct multiple OD-time-pair time-space networks on the base of cargos’ timeliness. Some side constraints set between the ship- and cargo -flow networks according to the real operating requirements. The model formulated as a multiple commodity network flow program that is characterized as an NP-hard problem. We employ a mathematical programming solver and develop the Lagrangian relaxation-based algorithm, coupled with a subgradient method, to solve the problem. Finally, to evaluate the model in practice, we perform a case study using real operation data from a Taiwan marine transport company. Conclusions and suggestions then be given.


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